…2014 vehicle-deer crashes in Southeast Michigan

SEMCOG releases statistics on 2014 vehicle-deer crashes in Southeast Michigan (SEMCOG Press Release, Sept. 21, 2015) There were 5,557 vehicle-deer crashes in Southeast Michigan in 2014, according to figures released by SEMCOG, the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments, based on crash data received from the Michigan Department of State Police, Criminal Justice Information Center. “For…

Farmington Hills: Man Interrupts Police Questioning with a Fatal Punch

Farmington Hills: Man Interrupts Police Questioning with a Fatal Punch (Farmington Hills Police Chief Charles Nebus, Sept. 18, 2015) ARRAIGNMENT IN FATAL ASSAULT AT FLAMINGO MOBILE HOME PARK On August 9, 2015, at 1:05 AM, the Farmington Hills Police Department responded to a fight at the Flamingo Mobile Home Park located at 22600 Middlebelt Road…

Chazzano Founder Changes Mind on K-Cups

Chazzano Founder Changes Mind on K-Cups (Guest View, Frank Lanzkron-Tamarazo, Chazzano Coffee, Sept. 15, 2015) In the past, when a customer asked, “Hey Frank, what do you think about K-cups?” I would say: “K-cups are against G-d. If you have a K-cup machine or you were gifted a K-cup machine, bring it to the police…

Birmingham Concert Band Fire and Ice Fall Concert Oct 4

Birmingham Concert Band Fire and Ice Fall Concert Oct 4 (event) Fire and Ice Fall Concert October 4, 2015 4:00pm St. John Lutheran Church 23225 Gill Road Farmington Hills, MI More info: http://www.birminghamconcertband.com/Fall%20Concert%202015%20-%20Fire%20and%20Ice.pdf For more event listings go to https://oaklandcounty115.com/events/ Want a daily list of headlines? Sign up at https://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=Oakland_County_115_News.

Farmington Voices Storytelling Event to Benefit Local Charities Sept. 30

Farmington Voices Storytelling Event to Benefit Local Charities Sept. 30 (event listing) For almost a year, Farmington Voice has brought you stories about the people, events, and activities that make the communities of Farmington and Farmington Hills great places to live. On September 30, we’re turning the tables, with an event that allows some of our…

Bomb Squad Called for Grenade Found in Garage in Farmington Hills

Bomb Squad Called for Grenade Found in Garage in Farmington Hills (compiled, Aug. 29, 2015) On Aug. 26 Michigan State Police were called in to assist Farmington Hills Police and Fire when a resident found a grenade in their garage while cleaning it out, reports The Farmington Voice. The grenade was X-rayed and fortunately found…

For First Time Ever, Every Retailer Passed Tobacco Sales Tests

For First Time Ever, Every Retailer Passed Tobacco Sales Tests (Oakland County Health Division Press Release, Aug. 24, 2015) For the first time ever, Oakland County retailers did not sell any tobacco products to youth during recent undercover inspections, County Executive L. Brooks Patterson announced today. The Oakland County Health Division conducted the annual inspection…

Happy’s Pizza Founder & Co-Conspirators Sentenced to Prison

Happy’s Pizza Founder and Co-Conspirators Sentenced to Prison (FBI Press Release, July 20, 2015)   A Detroit-area businessman and other co-conspirators were sentenced to prison this week for income and employment tax fraud in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, announced Acting Assistant Attorney General Caroline D. Ciraolo of the Justice…

Farmington: Thieves targeting Chrysler 300’s for Navigation Systems

Farmington: Thieves targeting Chrysler 300’s for Navigation Systems (Farmington Police, July 9, 2015) On July 7th at 6:00AM, Farmington Public Safety officers responded to an apartment complex on the 21900 block of Farmington Rd (area of 9 Mile & Farmington Rd) to investigate two reports of thefts of in-dash navigation systems from Chrysler 300 vehicles…

Farmington Hills Gets Goat to Help with Landscaping

Farmington Hills Gets Goat to Help with Landscaping (City of Farmington Hills, June 23, 2015) The City of Farmington Hills will soon be implementing a pilot project on the City Hall Campus that involves a weed-eating goat! Goats are being used in several metropolitan areas and on forward-thinking private business campuses, such as Google, as…