Halfway to Heaven: Love Song to a Wife with Alzheimer’s, Inspires Fellow Caregivers (Video)
“She did it with all the confidence in the world. She instilled in me a desire to do everything I could to help her.”
“She did it with all the confidence in the world. She instilled in me a desire to do everything I could to help her.”
Simply choose to use energy during the times of day when demand is lower, and you’ll pay a lower rate.
Nominations will be accepted until Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.
“The diversity of experiences and backgrounds among our residents is part of what makes our community so strong,” Commissioner Yolanda Smith Charles
The column features everything from family diners and local bars, to flavors from around the world, and the some of the most imaginative and delicious restaurants in the area.
Here are a few tips from the Oakland County Treasurer’s Office that will help reduce the financial strain and build toward your future.
Although Oakland County has a strong economy and many resources, there are still residents that are forced to choose between necessities like buying food, paying rent, or going to the doctor.
Oakland County has created a Transit Division in its Economic Development Department laying the foundation for improving and expanding transit options throughout the county.
I thought it would be interesting to look at a number of demographic variables and see how Oakland, and Wayne, measure up against their peers.
Today, December 8, the Census Bureau released its latest round of 5-year American Community Survey (ACS) data for the period 2017-2021
Tune in to learn how the Land Bank will support economic growth through the strategic acquisition and subsequent sale of properties, returning them to the tax rolls in a manner consistent with community-based plans.
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With threats disrupting schools across Oakland County, Sheriff Michael Bouchard made a social media video addressing students.
But can things like coloring, music, and Play-doh sculptures make a difference in City Hall?
“Municipal government is one of the most difficult places to insert creativity,” Dempsey said.
Only 5 communities experienced an increase in turnout over 2018 – Novi twp. (9.1 percentage points), Clarkston, South Lyon, Addison Township and Huntington Woods.
Videos are added as we can up until Election Day, so please check back often for new interviews.
Videos are added as we can up until Election Day, so please check back often for new interviews.
New videos are added frequently up until Election Day, so please check back often!
New videos are added frequently up until Election Day, so please check back often!
New videos are added frequently up until Election Day, so please check back often!