White Castle to Partner with Oakland County Times for Event Page

White Castle to Partner with Oakland County Times for Event Page (Oakland County Times, May 30, 2017) Ferndale, MI – After a bold move and a sweet story, Oakland County Times Publisher Crystal A. Proxmire and White Castle Systems are pleased to announce that White Castle will be partnering with the Detroit-area local news site…

Adam’s Road to Close for Bridge Demolition

Adam’s Road to Close for Bridge Demolition (MDOT, May 15, 2017) Bloomfield Twp, MI -Dan’s Excavating, contractor for the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT), will close Adams Road between South Blvd. and Square Lake Road to through traffic in Bloomfield Township from May 19-22 to facilitate demolition of the northbound I-75 bridge (located over Adams…

Rochester Area Residents Learn about LGBTQ Rights at GRAIN Panel Discussion

Rochester Area Residents Learn about LGBTQ Rights at GRAIN Panel Discussion (Crystal A. Proxmire, May 12, 2017) Rochester Hills, MI – Nearly 100 people from the Greater Rochester Area gathered Thursday night to learn about the lack of civil rights protection for LGBTQ people and to hear what options might be available for making their…

Preventing Suicide Community Discussion May 24

Preventing Suicide Community Discussion May 24 (EVENT page) Troy, MI – Oakland County Youth Suicide Prevention is hosting a community discussion on “Preventing suicide through means restriction” on Wed, May 24, 2017 from 9am to 12pm with registration open at 8:30am at the Troy Community Center 3179 Livernois, Troy. Pre-register at www.oakgov.com/health. Who should attend? …

Howrylak, Ellison and Webber Introduce Bipartisan Bill Against Distracted Driving

Howrylak, Ellison and Webber Introduce Bipartisan Bill Against Distracted Driving (Traffic Improvement Association, April 2, 2017) SOUTHFIELD, MI -Jim Santilli, chief executive officer of the Transportation Improvement Association, and State Rep. Martin Howrylak (R-Troy) today announced distracted driving legislation they’ve designed with the goal of reducing fatalities, injuries, and traffic crashes in Michigan. “When operating…

MML#3: Senator Marty Knollenberg Named Legislator of the Year

MML#3:  Senator Marty Knollenberg Named Legislator of the Year (Michigan Municipal League, March 26, 2017) LANSING, MI – The Michigan Municipal League has honored State Rep. Robert Kosowski (D-Westland) and Sen. Marty Knollenberg (R-Troy) as the League’s 2017 Legislators of the Year. The awards were formally presented to Rep. Kosowski and Sen. Knollenberg during the…

Suspected Package Thief Arrested in Pleasant Ridge

Suspected Package Thief Arrested in Pleasant Ridge (Pleasant Ridge Police, Dec. 21, 2016) Pleasant Ridge, MI -On Wednesday December 20, 2016 Pleasant Ridge Police arrested a 24 year old Southfield man for stealing packages from a porch in Pleasant Ridge. Undercover officers from Troy Police and Royal Oak police were watching the suspect as he…