Oakland Township Hunter Lost and Found

Oakland Township Hunter Lost and Found (Oakland Co. Sheriff’s Dept. Oct 21, 2013) INCIDENT:  12:41 hrs, 10-17-13 – Oakland Township Lost Hunter   #13-160684 SUMMARY: Deputies responded to the area of Lake George Rd. and Predmore Rd. to search a wooded area for a hunter lost in the woods. The hunter called 911 and stated that…

Green Infrastructure Encouraged at Storm Water Conference

Green Infrastructure Encouraged at Storm Water Conference (Crystal A. Proxmire, Oct 4, 2013) Water resource professionals from throughout the region gathered in Southfield for the first Regional Storm Water Summit, hosted by Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner Jim Nash, Pure Oakland Water and Lawrence Tech. University. In addition to learning about funding approaches, storm water…

Green Infrastructure Encouraged at Storm Water Conference

Green Infrastructure Encouraged at Storm Water Conference (Crystal A. Proxmire, Oct 4, 2013) Water resource professionals from throughout the region gathered in Southfield for the first Regional Storm Water Summit, hosted by Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner Jim Nash, Pure Oakland Water and Lawrence Tech. University. In addition to learning about funding approaches, storm water…

Green Infrastructure Encouraged at Storm Water Conference

Green Infrastructure Encouraged at Storm Water Conference (Crystal A. Proxmire, Oct 4, 2013) Water resource professionals from throughout the region gathered in Southfield for the first Regional Storm Water Summit, hosted by Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner Jim Nash, Pure Oakland Water and Lawrence Tech. University. In addition to learning about funding approaches, storm water…

Green Infrastructure Encouraged at Storm Water Conference

Green Infrastructure Encouraged at Storm Water Conference (Crystal A. Proxmire, Oct 4, 2013) Water resource professionals from throughout the region gathered in Southfield for the first Regional Storm Water Summit, hosted by Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner Jim Nash, Pure Oakland Water and Lawrence Tech. University. In addition to learning about funding approaches, storm water…

Green Infrastructure Encouraged at Storm Water Conference

Green Infrastructure Encouraged at Storm Water Conference (Crystal A. Proxmire, Oct 4, 2013) Water resource professionals from throughout the region gathered in Southfield for the first Regional Storm Water Summit, hosted by Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner Jim Nash, Pure Oakland Water and Lawrence Tech. University. In addition to learning about funding approaches, storm water…

Upcoming League of Women Voter’s Forums…

Upcoming League of Women Voter’s Forums in Ferndale, Pleasant Ridge, Farmington Hills and more (C. Proxmire, Sept. 29, 2013) Local elections are coming up November 5, and the League of Women Voters is hosting candidate forums in several communities through Oakland County. The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization encouraging the informed…

Fake Cop Arrested in Rochester Hills

Fake Cop Arrested in Rochester Hills (Oakland County Sheriff’s Dept Press Release, Sept. 23, 2013) Incident:  Unauthorized use of Police Equipment Location: City of Rochester Hills Date: September 22, 2013 On Friday September 13, 2013, Oakland County Sheriff Deputies stopped a vehicle that used a blue police style flashing light to make a prohibited turn…

Oakland County Takes Action to Prevent Suicide

Oakland County Takes Action to Prevent Suicide (Oakland Co. Press Release, Sept. 7, 2013) The Oakland County Youth Suicide Prevention Task Force is launching a year-long prevention and awareness campaign during National Suicide Prevention Week, Sept. 8-14. It will include messages on billboards and buses about what signs to look for to prevent suicide and…

Abortion-Related Resolution Riles County Commission

Abortion-Related Resolution Riles County Commission (Crystal A. Proxmire, Aug. 30, 2013) Right to Life Michigan, Mother and Unborn Baby Care, Save the One and Personhood USA were on hand for Thursday’s Oakland County Commission meeting where Republican Commissioners Christine Long and Jim Runstead introduced a “respect life” resolution. Democrat Mattie Hatchet also requested to be…

Medicaid Expansion Passes Senate

Medicaid Expansion Passes Senate (C. Proxmire, Aug. 28, 2013) After a bunch of partisan back-and-forth, made more complex by disagreements within the Republican Party, the state Senate approved expanding Medicaid to cover a larger group of low-income residents. A similar bill passed the House earlier this year, and the next step is for the House…

Study Shows Results for Mental Health Court

Study Shows Results for Mental Health Court (Michigan Supreme Court Press Release, Aug. 23, 2013) A three-year evaluation of 10 Michigan mental health courts finds that participants re-offend at significantly lower levels than comparable groups of offenders who do not participate in the mental health courts. The evaluation, which was conducted by the State Court…

Record Number of Cities Get Main Street Accreditation (video)

Record Number of Cities Get Main Street Accreditation (video) (Crystal A. Proxmire, July 10, 2013) With the flair of a fire-twirling roller-skater and the pep of the Clawson High School cheerleaders, members of Main Street programs from throughout Oakland County got together at Leon and Lulu on Wednesday to celebrate a number of Main Street…

Wider I-75 in the Works and other SEMCOG Plans Approved

Wider I-75 in the Works and other SEMCOG Plans Approved (C. Proxmire, June 21, 2013) Despite resolutions against it by the cities of Ferndale, Hazel Park and Detroit, The Southeastern Michigan Council of Government (SEMCOG) voted this week to approve their 2040 Regional Transit Plan that includes the widening of I-75. According to the plan,…

Links to Government Websites

Links to Government Websites United States www.usa.gov The White House www.whitehouse.gov U.S. Senate www.senate.gov U.S. House of Representatives www.house.gov U.S. Supreme Court www.supremecourtus.gov Michigan www.michigan.gov Michigan Senate www.senate.michigan.gov Michigan House of Representatives www.house.michigan.gov Michigan Courts courts.michigan.gov Michigan House Fiscal Agency www.house.mi.gov/hfa/home.asp Michigan Senate Fiscal Agency www.senate.michigan.gov/sfa/ Oakland County www.oakgov.com Cities Auburn Hills www.auburnhills.org Berkley www.berkleymich.org…

Links to Government Websites

Links to Government Websites United States www.usa.gov The White House www.whitehouse.gov U.S. Senate www.senate.gov U.S. House of Representatives www.house.gov U.S. Supreme Court www.supremecourtus.gov Michigan www.michigan.gov Michigan Senate www.senate.michigan.gov Michigan House of Representatives www.house.michigan.gov Michigan Courts courts.michigan.gov Michigan House Fiscal Agency www.house.mi.gov/hfa/home.asp Michigan Senate Fiscal Agency www.senate.michigan.gov/sfa/ Oakland County www.oakgov.com Cities Auburn Hills www.auburnhills.org Berkley www.berkleymich.org…

Links to Government Websites

Links to Government Websites United States www.usa.gov The White House www.whitehouse.gov U.S. Senate www.senate.gov U.S. House of Representatives www.house.gov U.S. Supreme Court www.supremecourtus.gov Michigan www.michigan.gov Michigan Senate www.senate.michigan.gov Michigan House of Representatives www.house.michigan.gov Michigan Courts courts.michigan.gov Michigan House Fiscal Agency www.house.mi.gov/hfa/home.asp Michigan Senate Fiscal Agency www.senate.michigan.gov/sfa/ Oakland County www.oakgov.com Cities Auburn Hills www.auburnhills.org Berkley www.berkleymich.org…