Tips to Avoid Crimes Targeting Seniors

Tips to Avoid Crimes Targeting Seniors (Troy Police Dept. Press Release, Jan. 8, 2014) Health Insurance Frauds Medical Equipment Fraud: Equipment manufacturers offer “free” products to individuals. Insurers are then charged for products that were not needed and/or may not have been delivered. “Rolling Lab” Schemes: Unnecessary and sometimes fake tests are given to individuals…

Tips to Avoid Crimes Targeting Seniors

Tips to Avoid Crimes Targeting Seniors (Troy Police Dept. Press Release, Jan. 8, 2014) Health Insurance Frauds Medical Equipment Fraud: Equipment manufacturers offer “free” products to individuals. Insurers are then charged for products that were not needed and/or may not have been delivered. “Rolling Lab” Schemes: Unnecessary and sometimes fake tests are given to individuals…

Shelters for Homeless in Oakland County

Shelters for Homeless in Oakland County (City of Oak Park, Jan. 5, 2014) The City of Oak Park released the following information via email to help those in need of shelter during the cold.  For a printable pdf. go to Please also call the Housing Resource Center at 248-928-0111 for additional specific information related…

Winter Storm Update: Schools Closed, Snow Emergencies Declared

Winter Storm Update: Schools Closed, Snow Emergencies Declared (Crystal A. Proxmire, Jan. 5, 2014) With low temperatures and high snowfall predicted, many cities have issued snow emergencies and school districts have taken the day off Monday. The National Weather Service is predicting snowfall of 3-7 inches tonight, and temperatures dropping to about 1 degree tomorrow,…

Twenty Notable Michigan Books for 2014 Announced

Twenty Notable Michigan Books for 2014 Announced (Library of Michigan Press Release, Jan. 3, 2014) The Library of Michigan today announced the 2014 Michigan Notable Books – 20 books celebrating Michigan people, places and events. “Michigan is rich in talented writers, history, and resources,” said State Superintendent Mike Flanagan. “Our Notable Books for 2014 express…

Area Libraries Switch to New Inter-loan System

Area Libraries Switch to New Inter-loan System (Crystal A. Proxmire, Dec. 26, 2013) Beginning Jan. 1, the system through which patrons can check out items from libraries other than their own will be changing throughout Michigan.  Those who wish to borrow items will need to stop by their home library and get either a new…

Christmas Tree Recycling in Oakland County

Christmas Tree Recycling in Oakland County (Oakland County Press Release, Dec. 23, 2013) Oakland County Parks and Recreation offers free Christmas Tree Recycling at 11 park locations. Dec. 26, 2013 – Jan. 20, 2014 Free Self-Serve Christmas Tree Recycling, seven days, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Please remove all decorations, metal, plastic and string. Locations: Addison Oaks near…

More than Just a Pretty Trunk: How Trees Enhance Complete Streets

More than Just a Pretty Trunk: How Trees Enhance Complete Streets (Jeff Prygoski, orig. Transportation for Michigan, Dec. 19, 2103) Roads and sidewalks have undergone dramatic transformations in communities with complete streets policies. More than 90 Michigan communities have passed complete street policies, which contain a variety of design elements that foster a safer, more…

Hazel Park Opens Outside Enrollment, Plans to Close Elementary

Hazel Park Opens Outside Enrollment, Plans to Close Elementary (Crystal A. Proxmire, Dec. 18, 2013) In an effort to offset debt and declining enrollment, the Hazel Park School District has opened up enrollment to neighboring counties and made plans to close one of the elementary schools. ENROLLMENT EXPANDED TO WAYNE AND MACOMB COUNTIES The measures,…

DNC Chair, Michigan Dems Rally For LGBT Equality (video)

DNC Chair, Michigan Dems Rally For LGBT Equality (video) (Crystal A. Proxmire, Between the Lines, Dec. 18, 2013) As Republicans continue to condone the hateful, anti-gay comments of their Republican National Committeeman Dave Agema, Democrats brought out the big guns for a community forum at Affirmations featuring Democratic National Committee Chairperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz. “In…

Deadlines For CDL Drivers… Fast Approaching

Deadlines For CDL Drivers And Their Medical Providers Fast Approaching (Michigan Secretary of State Press Release, Dec. 12, 2013) Secretary of State Ruth Johnson strongly encourages Michigan residents with a Commercial Driver License (CDL) to self-certify to which type of commercial motor vehicle (CMV) operation they perform to avoid losing CDL privileges after Jan. 30.…

How Michigan Funds Schools

How Michigan Funds Schools (Kevin Deegan-Krause, orig. Ferndale Friends/, Dec. 10, 2013) Please put away your notes and let’s begin our discussion of school funding with a high-stakes multiple choice test: 1. Does Michigan fund schools from:                         A. Local sources         B. Federal sources C. State sources 2. Does the revenue come from:                                  …

SEMCOG Approves I-94, I-75, US-23 Amendment to Expand

SEMCOG Approves I-94, I-75, US-23 Amendment to Expand (David Sands, SEMCOG, Dec.7, 2013, orig. Although plans to widen the I-94 and I-75 expressways have been generating a bit of a buzz this week, dissenting voices seemed to have little sway over the bulk of the Southeast Michigan Council of Government’s Executive Committee. At a Friday meeting, the…

Transgender Day Of Remembrance Lists 242 Killed

Transgender Day Of Remembrance Lists 242 Killed (Crystal A. Proxmire, orig. Between the Lines, Dec. 6, 2013) 242. That is the number of transgender individuals whose murders and suicides have been reported in the past year around the world. Groups like Gender Identity Network Alliance (formerly Transgender Detroit) know that this number is low due…

Reckless Driving: MDOT’s Lead Foot on Freeway Projects

Guest Column: Reckless Driving: MDOT’s Lead Foot on Freeway Projects (Richard Murphy, Michigan Suburbs Alliance, December 4, 2013) The public appeals to delegates entering SEMCOG’s June meeting. The sign in back, “No new gas tax, Snyder — We don’t need our freeways wider,” demonstrates our trust problem. Over the past few years, Governor Snyder’s Lansing…