Fundraising in the Dark: Royal Oak Youth Assistance Rocks the Blackout

Fundraising in the Dark: Royal Oak Youth Assistance Rocks the Blackout (Crystal A. Proxmire, March 1, 2015) For an organization that helps illuminate a path for troubled young people, the skill of navigating life’s challenges is like second nature. So when volunteers from Royal Oak Youth Assistance showed up at Hazel Park Bowl to run…

OCC’s “Man Up” Program Focuses on African American Achievement

OCC’s “Man Up” Program Focuses on African American Achievement (Margarita Wagerson, OCC, Feb. 23, 2015) Oakland Community College’s nationally recognized “Man Up” program is off to another great start this year with 35 students enrolled this semester. OCC leaders crafted “Man Up” in 2011 with the goal of keeping young African American men in school and on track to…

OCC’s “Man Up” Program Focuses on African American Achievement

OCC’s “Man Up” Program Focuses on African American Achievement (Margarita Wagerson, OCC, Feb. 23, 2015) Oakland Community College’s nationally recognized “Man Up” program is off to another great start this year with 35 students enrolled this semester. OCC leaders crafted “Man Up” in 2011 with the goal of keeping young African American men in school and on track to…

M-Brew, Dino’s and 7-Eleven Offers Help Support Schools

M-Brew, Dino’s and 7-Eleven Offers Help Support Schools Other Businesses Invited to Help (C. Proxmire, Feb. 16, 2015) 7-Eleven $500 Contest and Slurpees for Good Grades With her store sitting on the border of Hazel Park Schools and Ferndale Schools, 7Eleven owner Shellie Hancasky gets to see her fair share of kids and parents. She also…