Auburn Hills Development Director Discusses “Dark Stores”

Auburn Hills Development Director Discusses “Dark Stores” (Guest Column by Steve Cohen, Director of Community Development for Auburn Hills, Developing Thoughts, Oct. 16, 2015) “Dark Stores” … it sounds ominous. A Dark Store is not a weapon Darth Vader used in Star Wars, but it’s beginning to loom over many municipalities like the menacing Death Star. What is it?  Well,…

Candidate Interview: Andy LeCureaux, Hazel Park Councilperson (video)

Candidate Interview: Andy LeCureaux, Hazel Park Councilperson (video) (C. Proxmire, October 7, 2015) It’s been 14 years since Hazel Parker Andy LeCrueaux was first elected to serve on City Council, and he’s asking for the public’s vote again. The entire City Council is up for re-election at the same time – with Election Day being Nov.…

October Business Classes from Oakland County

October Business Classes from Oakland County The Oakland County’s One Stop Shop Business Center is getting ready for another business month with their October workshops. Start-up entrepreneurs and business professionals can succeed with help from other professionals and experts. Register today for one, or all, of the  workshops and get your business on the right track.…

Michigan Laws Pertaining to Bicyclists

Michigan Laws Pertaining to Bicyclists (John Lindenmayer, Executive Director League of Michigan Bicyclists, Oct 1, 2015) The following is a summary of the Michigan Compiled Law (MCL), Motor Vehicle Code (MVC) and Administrative Rules pertaining to bicyclists. Local ordinances may not supersede the MVC, MCL or Administrative Rules unless explicitly specified in statute. For more…

…2014 vehicle-deer crashes in Southeast Michigan

SEMCOG releases statistics on 2014 vehicle-deer crashes in Southeast Michigan (SEMCOG Press Release, Sept. 21, 2015) There were 5,557 vehicle-deer crashes in Southeast Michigan in 2014, according to figures released by SEMCOG, the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments, based on crash data received from the Michigan Department of State Police, Criminal Justice Information Center. “For…

Chazzano Founder Changes Mind on K-Cups

Chazzano Founder Changes Mind on K-Cups (Guest View, Frank Lanzkron-Tamarazo, Chazzano Coffee, Sept. 15, 2015) In the past, when a customer asked, “Hey Frank, what do you think about K-cups?” I would say: “K-cups are against G-d. If you have a K-cup machine or you were gifted a K-cup machine, bring it to the police…

Interview: Alissa Sullivan… Hazel Park City Council (video)

Interview: Alissa Sullivan, Candidate for Hazel Park City Council (video) (C. Proxmire, Sept. 13, 2015) Alissa Sullivan is one of two newcomers to the world of Hazel Park politics. Sullivan and Amy Aubry are friends who recently experienced municipal governance from a resident perspective as they fought against a dog ban in the city. Yet…

Car Count Grows as Police Continue to Assess Damage by Five Vandals

Car Count Grows as Police Continue to Assess Damage by Five Vandals (Lt. William Wilson, Ferndale Police, Sept. 9, 205) Many are calling for the status of our investigation of MDOP to autos that occurred Sunday morning. Once the investigations are completed, the cases will be presented to prosecutors for review and determination of what…