Mayors Share Successes in Madison Heights/Hazel Park State of the Cities Address

Mayors Share Successes in Madison Heights/Hazel Park State of the Cities Address (Crystal A. Proxmire, March 3, 2019) Madison Heights, Hazel Park, MI- The Mayors of Madison Heights and Hazel Park captivated an audience of local business people and community leaders Friday morning with stories of community success. The annual State of the Cities Address…

Oakland County Electeds Respond to Governor’s State of the State Speech

Oakland County Electeds Respond to Governor’s State of the State Speech (Crystal A. Proxmire, Feb. 13, 2019) Lansing, MI- The Capitol was bustling as Senators and Representatives from around the state and their guests gathered to hear Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s first State of the State address. In the hour before the speech, guests mingled in…