Videos: Candidates for Oakland County Treasurer
The candidates for Oakland County Treasurer are Democrat Robert Wittenberg and Republican Joe Kent.
The candidates for Oakland County Treasurer are Democrat Robert Wittenberg and Republican Joe Kent.
The seat is held by Brian Hartwell who was appointed by the Governor to serve out the remainder of the term. He is running to retain the seat, as is Kelly Collins.
The candidates are: Democrat Regina Weiss, Republican Elizabeth Goss, Libertarian Gregory Stempfle, and Green Party candidate Sherry Wells.
By allowing for remote meetings, public bodies and residents can continue practicing safe social distancing while also ensuring meetings remain open, accessible and transparent to the public,” said Governor Whitmer.
The being said, many traditional Halloween activities can be high-risk for spreading viruses. There are several safer, alternative ways to participate in Halloween.
B&G Foods announced today it is voluntarily recalling a very limited number of boxes of a single date code of 6 oz. Back to Nature Organic Rosemary & Olive Oil Stoneground Wheat Crackers…
We are recalling other products produced on those same days out of an abundance of caution regarding potential cross contamination.
Each year Oakland County Times gives candidates for any office voted on in Oakland County the opportunity to do a video interview.
This is a huge undertaking, and we post new videos as we can right up until the election. So please check back often and be patient.
Voters throughout Oakland County have the opportunity to select two Trustees for the Oakland Community College Board.
The multi-state recall involves whole cantaloupe and select cut cantaloupe fruit trays and bowls in various weights ranging from 6–40 ounces sold between Sept. 26 and Oct. 5 of this year at all Meijer stores
It is a resident’s responsibility to ensure his or her mailbox is secure.
Candidates are Sarah Elturk, and incumbents Anna Ibrahim and Jennifer LaTosch.
Additional health orders may be issued in the coming days to cover capacity at restaurants, bars, employee health screenings and other public health concerns.
Voters throughout Oakland County have the opportunity to select two Trustees for the Oakland Community College Board.
In the race for Hazel Park School Board there are eight candidates running for four seats. The positions have a four year term.
In the race for Hazel Park School Board there are eight candidates running for four seats. The positions have a four year term.
Oakland County’s workforce was severely impacted when unemployment in the county spiked at 19.5 percent in April and 19.3 percent in May. Ehrlich predicted the county’s unemployment rate for 2020 would improve dramatically to 9.1 percent for the year, with the rate nationally at 9.2 percent.
Hazel Park Police and members of the Oakland County SWAT Team have surrounded a home on W. Harry in Hazel Park, and are urging the man inside to come out with his hands up.
In the race for 6th Circuit Court Judge, there are six incumbents running to retain their seats, plus one write-in candidate.
In the race for Oakland County Executive there are three candidates.