Oakland County Issues Floodwater Safety Precautions

Oakland County Issues Floodwater Safety Precautions (Oakland County Public Health Press Release, Aug. 11, 2014) In response to widespread flooding, County Executive L. Brooks Patterson urges citizens to follow these safety precautions from the Oakland County Health Division to help minimize possibilities of illness, serious injury, or drowning: Stay out of flooded areas – It…

Oakland County Pounded by Rain, Swamped with Flooding

Oakland County Pounded by Rain, Swamped with Flooding (Crystal A. Proxmire, Aug. 11, 2014)   An unusual amount of rain has fallen in Oakland County, causing flooded basements, closed expressways and power outages. Michigan State Police issued a statement urging people off the roads. “Please advise your viewers, listeners or readers to avoid non-essential use…

Oakland County Pounded by Rain, Swamped with Flooding

Oakland County Pounded by Rain, Swamped with Flooding (Crystal A. Proxmire, Aug. 11, 2014)   An unusual amount of rain has fallen in Oakland County, causing flooded basements, closed expressways and power outages. Michigan State Police issued a statement urging people off the roads. “Please advise your viewers, listeners or readers to avoid non-essential use…

Man Accused of Stealing Charity Change Jar…

Man Accused of Stealing Charity Change Jar from Royal Oak Gas Station Captured After Police Chase (Oakland County Sheriff’s Dept, Aug. 8, 2014)   INCIDENT: 01:06 Hrs. – Aug.6- Orion Twp. – Fleeing and Eluding/Recovered Stolen Vehicle.     #14-122961. SUMMARY: The Auburn Hills Police Department notified the Sheriff’s Office they had a vehicle northbound…

Rochester Auburn Hills Community Coalition Teen Night… Aug. 7

Rochester Auburn Hills Community Coalition Teen Night to Share Resources and Fun Aug. 7 (Community Coalition Press Release, Aug. 2, 2014) Calling all teens and families! The 2nd Annual Teen Night featuring the Battle of the Bands is being held on Thursday, August 7th from 6 p.m. until 9 p.m. at the Village of Rochester…

Candidates for 11th Congressional District… (video)

Candidates for 11th Congressional District Speak in LWV Forum (video) (Crystal A. Proxmire, July 17, 2014) Candidates for the 11th Congressional District came together at Milford High School on Wednesday, with the exception of incumbent Kerry Bentivolio, for the League of Women Voters candidate forum. Bentivolio’s opponent in the Aug. 5 primary, fellow Republican Dave…

Oakland County Wins 11 National Association of Counties Awards

Oakland County Wins 11 National Association of Counties Awards (Oakland County Press Release, June 16, 2014)   Oakland County has garnered at least 11 National Association of Counties (NACo) Achievement Awards for innovative programs that help improve access to healthy food for low-income residents, train nursing students how to teach parents about preventing infant deaths,…

Gun Violence in Oakland County Prompts…

Gun Violence in Oakland County Prompts Gun Lock Giveaway in 38 Communities (video) (Crystal A. Proxmire, June 6, 2014) Putting partisan politics aside and collaborating with 38 local agencies, The Oakland County Board of Commissioners organized a fight to reduce gun violence. They unanimously voted to make June 6 Gun Safety Awareness Day. They conducted…

Oakland University Theatre instructor on the big screen…

Oakland University Theatre instructor on the big screen in ‘The Fault in Our Stars’ (OU Press Release, May 16, 2014) Oakland University special lecturer Milica “Mila” Govich plays a significant role in “The Fault in Our Stars,” a film based on John Green’s best-selling young adult novel. The faculty and staff of the University’s theatre…

Oakland County Fights Detroit Water and Sewer Plan

Oakland County Fights Detroit Water and Sewer Plan (C. Proxmire, May 13, 2014)   As the City of Detroit struggles to restructure under bankruptcy, the issue of regional water management is in the forefront of the discussions. Oakland County leaders, including County Executive L. Brooks Patterson and Water Resources Commissioner Jim Nash are advocating for…

State Representative 29th District

2014 – State Representative 29th District The Oakland County115 News provides three levels of election info. All candidates are listed. Candidates may return a questionnaire without cost to provide more information. For a small fee they may add their website, advertisement and endorsement list. The fee for enhanced listings helps fun this community news project.…

State Representative 29th District

2014 – State Representative 29th District The Oakland County115 News provides three levels of election info. All candidates are listed. Candidates may return a questionnaire without cost to provide more information. For a small fee they may add their website, advertisement and endorsement list. The fee for enhanced listings helps fun this community news project.…