Video: Adorable Young Raccoons Enjoying North Oakland County Woods
This adorable group was undeterred by our presence, giving us a good couple minutes of foraging and frolicking to film. Enjoy!
This adorable group was undeterred by our presence, giving us a good couple minutes of foraging and frolicking to film. Enjoy!
New videos are added frequently up until Election Day, so please check back often!
“Those who have experienced foster care typically don’t have the support systems in place to assist with college costs. Every dollar helps create opportunities for our youth who have experienced foster care.”
Certificates and prizes are awarded for the largest tree submitted from each county, for the overall largest tree in different age groups, and for the largest White Pine (Michigan’s state tree).
Their pride and joy is featured on their website – the “Famous Dill Pickle Pizza.”
New videos are added frequently up until Election Day, so please check back often!
“So seeing the rainbow flag, and seeing people come out to something like this, is how you know that you’re not alone.”
New videos are added frequently up until Election Day, so please check back often!
Scouts across Oakland County honored those who made the ultimate sacrifice this Memorial Day weekend, carrying out multiple service projects and serving as flag details in parades across southeast Michigan.
Videos are added as we can up until Election Day, so please check back often for new interviews.
From 2010 to 2019, 1,436 Michigan babies died due to sleeping in unsafe environments…
Today we celebrate our 13th birthday!
Accessible Kayak Launch at Independence Oaks Helps Adults Stay Active, Classes Available (Oakland County Parks and Recreation, May 31, 2022) Clarkston, MI – Whether an experienced kayaker or a novice, there is something for everyone at a series of Active Adult Kayak Clinics this summer. Adults ages 50 and older can learn the basics…
Support the Blue Heron Headwaters Conservancy and browse over 60 species of native plants for sale
Protect yourself and your family against tick-borne diseases by following these tips:
The July 1, 2021 estimates have only 11 Oakland County communities gaining population…
The winners and honorable mentions will receive cash prizes from a $10,000 contest fund provided by Flagstar Bank and will have their art displayed in the Oakland County Treasurer’s Office for a year and on the website along with all the entries.
The recalled peanut butter was distributed nationwide in retail stores and other outlets. Recalled products include the products below with lot codes 1274425 – 2140425. Lot codes are included alongside best-if-used-by date.
For the last century, Oakland Family Services has helped ensure children have safe and loving homes free from abuse and neglect.
The group is based in Ann Arbor, but has planted trees in many local communities, including Oak Park, Royal Oak, Rochester Hills, Novi, Pontiac, Clarkston, Lake Orion and others.