Youth in Foster System May Qualify for a Fostering Futures Scholarship

“Those who have experienced foster care typically don’t have the support systems in place to assist with college costs. Every dollar helps create opportunities for our youth who have experienced foster care.”

Accessible Kayak Launch at Independence Oaks Helps Adults Stay Active, Classes Available

  Accessible Kayak Launch at Independence Oaks Helps Adults Stay Active, Classes Available (Oakland County Parks and Recreation, May 31, 2022) Clarkston, MI – Whether an experienced kayaker or a novice, there is something for everyone at a series of Active Adult Kayak Clinics this summer. Adults ages 50 and older can learn the basics…

Student Artwork Across County Touts Financial Literacy

The winners and honorable mentions will receive cash prizes from a $10,000 contest fund provided by Flagstar Bank and will have their art displayed in the Oakland County Treasurer’s Office for a year and on the website along with all the entries.