As Eviction Moratorium Expires, CHN Ready w/ Emergency Rental Assistance
Currently, there is $61 million in financial assistance available in Oakland County for rent and utilities.
Currently, there is $61 million in financial assistance available in Oakland County for rent and utilities.
Oakland County Times has a growing list of parks, trails, family-friendly destinations and more in our area and beyond.
Many communities have online forums where people can learn what is going on in their community as well as connect with neighbors.
It is available to eligible residents that need help with home repairs necessary to correct unsafe conditions and restore essential services.
In comparing federal tax returns from year to year, IRS can determine who moved and where.
Oakland County Health Division is introducing a $50 gift card incentive* to any Oakland County resident receiving their first COVID-19 vaccine from June 24 until July 4.
As of June 16, 2021, Michigan has seen a total of 892,830 confirmed cases and 19,578 confirmed deaths attributable to COVID-19.
Saturday, June 5 is the second Ozone Action day of the year in Southeast Michigan.
As of June 1, capacity limits will lift for outdoor events. Additionally, indoor capacity limits will increase to 50%, allowing indoor social gatherings such as weddings and funerals to move closer to normalcy.
“Residents will be able to access a variety of prevention services, healthcare and social service assistance.”
These recommendations come at a time when workplace safety remains a concern.
The American Rescue Plan Act established the Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF) to provide funding to help restaurants and other eligible businesses keep their doors open.
Election season has begun as citizens across Oakland County have started gathering signatures to run for local office. Several cities have council and commission races, as well as library board races and possibly ballot proposals.
To address this issue, commissioners will be introducing a package of resolutions at the full Board of Commissioners meeting on April 29.
CISMA projects include enhanced education and outreach, technical assistance to landowners, and survey and treatment of high-priority invasive species.
Here’s a list of parks and other places to explore in Oakland County…
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and many who continue to work from home, office buildings may sit vacant for quite some time.
On Monday, April 5, all Michigan residents 16 years and older will be eligible for COVID-19 vaccine.
Join the Alliance for a free online class to assist you with the administration of Narcan should you be faced with saving a life during an opioid overdose emergency.
“Today’s investment will pay future dividends by decreasing carbon emissions, reducing energy costs, improving public health, and doing our part to protect the planet and our communities.”