Candidate Interview: Scott Farida for Oakland County Prosecutor
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New videos are added frequently up until Election Day, so please check back often!
Today Oakland County Times turns 15!
“This district has a tradition of academic excellence, innovative programs, and a strong commitment to student success…”
New videos are added frequently up until Election Day, so please check back often!
The Oakland County Board of Commissioners approved funding to help complete more than $29.2 million in new local road projects during its May 22 meeting.
It’s the fifth year in a row that the names took the top slot together
This renewal public safety millage will be subject to applicable statutory and constitutional tax limitation provisions…
Shall the Charter Township of West Bloomfield, Oakland County, Michigan, borrow a sum not to exceed Twenty-Five Million Dollars ($25,000,000), and issue its unlimited tax general obligation bonds…
This proposal would renew the authority of the School District, which expires with the 2025 tax levy, to levy up to 18.00 mills for general school district operating purposes…
Use our list of farmers markets or interactive map to find a market near you.
Research shows that native species are more adept at fostering biodiversity, protecting local habitat and attracting wildlife – including ever-important pollinators.
The Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG) released their annual look at new construction across their seven-county service area, and Oakland County Times has decided to take a look at the data.
The following three charts show the results for communities across Oakland County – separated into cities, townships, and villages…
Organized groups of trained and well-equipped thieves have broken into multiple homes in affluent neighborhoods in many Oakland County communities…
Anyone with information about the incident is asked to contact the West Bloomfield Township Police Department at 248-975-9200.
But what about the districts that bucked the general trend?
Nominees must submit a list or provide links to three work samples and a statement of why they should be considered for the position of Michigan poet laureate
“Each piece of art showcases creativity and skill and an understanding of financial empowerment that is essential for our youth”
Candidates interested in doing an interview can reach out to for more info.
Bassett has experience in administration, public relations and downtown marketing and advertising, and business attraction and retention, all of which will help her serve the Birmingham Shopping District.