Green Party Candidates Announced in Various Races…
n June, a Green Party Oakland County Caucus and the Party’s state convention nominated seven county residents as candidates for the November 3 election.
n June, a Green Party Oakland County Caucus and the Party’s state convention nominated seven county residents as candidates for the November 3 election.
Cyclosporiasis is an intestinal infection caused by the Cyclospora parasite.
In the race for State Representative of the 27th District, the candidates are: Democrat Regina Weiss, Republican Elizabeth Goss, Libertarian Gregory Stempfle, and Green Party candidate Sherry Wells.
In the race for Oakland County Executive there are two candidates from the Republican Party and two candidates from the Democratic Party on the Aug. 4, 2020 Primary ballot.
In the race for Oakland County Sheriff Incumbent Michael Bouchard, a Republican, is on the ballot, as is Democrat Vincent Gregory.
In the Aug. 4 Democratic Primary voters in Oakland County will chose between incumbent Jessica Cooper and challenger Karen McDonald for Oakland County Prosecutor.
In the race for State Representative of the 27th District there are several candidates running in the Democratic Primary.
The grants, which ranged from $4,000 to $500,000, will help the organizations restore vital services and programs for Oakland County residents such as food distribution, shelter, health care and financial assistance that were reduced or eliminated because of the pandemic.
In the race for Oakland County Executive there are two candidates from the Republican Party and two candidates from the Democratic Party on the Aug. 4, 2020 Primary ballot.
In the race for State Representative of the 27th District there are several candidates running in the Democratic Primary.
In the race for Oakland County Executive there are two candidates from the Republican Party and two candidates from the Democratic Party on the Aug. 4, 2020 Primary ballot.
Sixteen-year-old Charlotte Terbrack did not hesitate to get involved in the fight for police reform and racial justice after the world erupted in protests following the May 25 death of George Floyd
In the race for State Representative of the 27th District there are several candidates running in the Democratic Primary.
Today, Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced that Michigan schools may resume in-person learning in phase 4 of the MI Safe Start plan, with strict safety measures in place.
The signs cost $5 and can be delivered to Berkley, Detroit, Ferndale, Hazel Park, Huntington Woods, Oak Park, Pleasant Ridge, Royal Oak, and Royal Oak Township.
Applications for the Out of the Box Awards are due by midnight on June 30, 2020.
In the Republican Primary, the candidates are Mike Kowall and Jeffrey G. Nutt.
On the Republican side voters will chose between Tina Barton and Patrick Wilson.
Oakland County Executive David Coulter today said he will seek $32 million to help retail stores, restaurants and personal service businesses such as salons and fitness centers that were impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.
Deadlines for each community vary. Check out all the campaigns at