Explore: A Stroll Through Downtown Auburn Hills
Even on days that are a mix of springtime sunshine and wintertime snow, Downtown Auburn Hills is full of little details for someone out enjoying a stroll to see.
Even on days that are a mix of springtime sunshine and wintertime snow, Downtown Auburn Hills is full of little details for someone out enjoying a stroll to see.
“While we saw a spike in pet adoptions and purchases at the beginning of the pandemic, the possibility of bad actors looking to scam pet lovers remains a concern at all times,” Nessel said
In addition to enforcement and education and outreach activities, the funding can be used to respond to housing inquiries, conduct fair housing testing, provide legal assistance, and cover costs associated with providing services related to the pandemic.
The Michigan Deer Management Cooperator Patch has been a popular collector’s item for hunters since the early 1970s.
“We don’t want the cost of the rabies vaccine to be a barrier for anyone getting a dog license, especially as spring approaches and we’re spending more time outdoors with our pets.”
In a room full of folks from around Oakland County and from both sides of the aisle, County Executive Dave Coulter gave his annual State of the County Address at M-1 Concourse in Pontiac.
This grant is available March 1 through March 31, 2022.
March 31 is the deadline to reach out to prevent a foreclosure from happening.
UPDATE: On Friday, Mayor Kevin McDaniel released a statement about the crash, saying…
Public relations, marketing, and social media can be overwhelming to many businesses and nonprofits. However, sharing your story and guiding your reputation is essential to building and maintaining your brand.
These individuals exemplify Oakland Together, Coulter’s vision for a community working together to leverage its strengths, address its challenges, and find value in working with regional partners.
The partnership groups, which are called the “Regional Partnership for Broadband Infrastructure and Equity” and the “Regional Partnership for Water Infrastructure,” will establish a framework to address a wide range of internet and broadband accessibility and water infrastructure challenges facing the Southeast Michigan region.
Originally set up through a federal grant from FEMA in early 2020 with training provided by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the program is now supported by state and federal funding.
Here is a list of some of the most common issues and some potential solutions to protect your home.
State Representative Regina Weiss (D- Oak Park) is among the legislators who introduced a package of three bills aimed at giving municipalities the tools they need to implement Ranked Choice Voting in local elections.
The Health Division weighed several factors to determine the appropriate time to end the mask requirement in schools, including a sharp decline in new COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations and increasing vaccination rates in Oakland County.
“The School Mental Health Navigator and Children’s Crisis Stabilization Unit are the results of their diligence and attention to this important public health concern.”
While my research on migration has depended heavily on Census and IRS data, I have found that data from major moving companies have both helped to support the trends reported by the government and to understand the reasons behind these trends.
SMART is committed to operating as much service as possible during the storm. However, customers should expect delays.
Individuals are encouraged to search their name, a maiden name, or the name of a business or nonprofit. The search is free.