Snow Day: Hazel Park and Ferndale Schools Closed Due to Weather

Both of the School Districts that serve our community (Hazel Park and Ferndale) are closed on Feb. 27 due to snow.

Residents are encouraged to review our “Stuff to Know for the Snow” article, which reminds people to keep their sidewalks shoveled and to move cars from the street for snow plows. It also gives tips for “green” snow removal.

Free Parking Extended, More Meters Ordered

In order to quell some of the uproar, Ferndale City Council has extended a parking holiday until the next City Council meeting, March 11. Parking is free in Ferndale during that time, and the rates will be discussed at that meeting. Council has also approved the purchase of 14 more multi-space meters to help with the congestion. The machines have been rush ordered so they will come within the next two weeks.

Data on Income Disparity in Ferndale and Beyond

For some the grass really may seem greener in someone else’s neighborhood, especially if it’s on a color-coded map based on income. The website provides maps with neighborhoods color-coded based on data from US Census American Community Surveys for the past several years. The maps can show income or rental costs for communities across the country. By clicking on an area one can retrieve the specific data.

Do You Want to Help Rust Belt Grow?

To make this happen, the Bests have launched a Kickstarter Campaign to raise $20,000 towards the building materials they need to make the renovation. On the site they explain the need for funding, “In order to have successful artists we need to offer them two things: Lots of foot traffic and low costs. If we’re in a hip spot with high foot traffic we’ve got high rent, if we have high rent we need to figure out a way to keep our costs down. That means finding other ways of bringing home the bacon to keep the doors open. This means using the space we have in ways we haven’t. …

Affirmations Offers Daily Free HIV and STD Testing

“Expanding free HIV and STD testing services with our strategic Health and Wellness partners is key to our desire to commit the state’s largest LGBT community center to efforts to ending the spread of HIV/AIDS among the most vulnerable in our community”, said Johnny Jenkins, Affirmations’ Director of Programs.

HIV and Syphilis testing will be held on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 6pm-9pm and will be conducted by Michigan AIDS Coalition. They will also offer …

5 Bills and 1 Bonus #1 (2013)

Politics is the least popular topic for some in our community, but it’s also important. Sometimes the big corporate lobbyists and politicians like it to be dull and complicated so that you’ll be bored and apathetic. But it’s worth taking a little bit of time to understand how things are done, and speaking up when you see things you don’t like. Even just asking questions and learning more makes a difference in democracy. It’s all important.

So here are five bills that have been introduced in the State House this year. There are over 250 already introduced, and we strongly suggest you go to and search around for bills that are on topics you care about

Have You Noticed The StoreFront Gallery on Marshall

John teamed up with several friends and people he’d only met online to curate the “Your Instagram” exhibit. For this he chose 24 Instagram photos and put them in frames to sell. He also put together a projection show to play on the wall. Your Instagram is a two-day showing that can still be seen on Sat. Feb.16 from 3-9pm.

Vagrants and Valentine also took a corner at the show to display found art jewelry and and one-of-a kind fashion items

Public Concern Over Parking Rates and Machines Grows

The rates and the central payment stations were approved by City Council on Jan. 14, with no public comment or objection. Problems arose at the stations, including long lines, bill jams, poor lighting, machines not accepting change nor giving change, and other general confusion. At the Council meeting on Monday, Jan. 18, one person came out to complain. But outside the public meetings, there has been online buzz and multiple complaints by people at the stations themselves or when they go into the Downtown businesses.

City Officials Discuss 2013 Goals

In the weeks leading up to the session, City Manager April Lynch gathered ideas from residents, staff from all departments, the Mayor and City Council members and compiled them into a 45 page document for Council’s review.

They then sat for several hours going through ideas category by category, discussing them and putting them in order of priority. Afterwards they put stickers up on posters that had goals listed. Here are some of the items discussed:

Flash Mob Ushers in Ferndale Reads (video)

Dozens of Ferndale residents began congregating around the stage of the Rust Belt Market at 2:30 on Saturday afternoon as other shopper milled about, unaware of the spectacle they were about to witness.

Suddenly those in the know whipped out copies of Kurt Vonnegut’s novel Slaughterhouse 5 and began to read in-sync the first couple of pages. Others watched and then picked up free copies of the book themselves.