Auburn Hills City Manager Pete Auger to Lead MLGMA

Auburn Hills City Manager Pete Auger to Lead MLGMA (MLGMA Press Release, Feb. 6, 2014) Auburn Hills City Manager Pete Auger is the new leader of a statewide association representing Michigan’s municipal managers. Auger was named the 2014 president of the Michigan Local Government Management Association (MLGMA) during the organization’s annual Winter Institute Jan. 28-Jan.…

Computer Classes for Seniors a Popular Berkley Service

Computer Classes for Seniors a Popular Berkley Service (Berkley Press Release, Feb. 6, 2014) The Berkley Parks and Recreation Senior Center is proud to announce the continuation of computer classes. These classes feature: Laptop 101 Don’t let that new laptop scare you. Laptop 101 Class is designed with beginners in mind. Learn everything from the…

Computer Classes for Seniors a Popular Berkley Service

Computer Classes for Seniors a Popular Berkley Service (Berkley Press Release, Feb. 6, 2014) The Berkley Parks and Recreation Senior Center is proud to announce the continuation of computer classes. These classes feature: Laptop 101 Don’t let that new laptop scare you. Laptop 101 Class is designed with beginners in mind. Learn everything from the…

Computer Classes for Seniors a Popular Berkley Service

Computer Classes for Seniors a Popular Berkley Service (Berkley Press Release, Feb. 6, 2014) The Berkley Parks and Recreation Senior Center is proud to announce the continuation of computer classes. These classes feature: Laptop 101 Don’t let that new laptop scare you. Laptop 101 Class is designed with beginners in mind. Learn everything from the…

Ferndale & Others Get “On Board” with Suburbs Alliance Program

Ferndale & Others Get “On Board” with Suburbs Alliance Program (Emily Thompson, Michigan Suburbs Alliance, orig., Feb. 5, 2014) Today, after months of hard work, we launch On Board ( What’s On Board? For local officials, it’s a secure database they can use to more easily manage information about local boards and commissions. For…

28-Year-Old Waterford Woman at Gun Range Dies of Suicide

28 Year-Old-Waterford Woman at Gun Range Dies of Suicide (Oakland County Sheriff’s Department, Feb. 5, 2014) INCIDENT:  12:34 hrs. Feb. 4 – Independence Township -Suicide   #14-017382 SUMMARY: Deputies responded to an address in the 6500 block of Dixie Highway near Maple (Accurate Gun Range) for an adult suicide. Information is a subject was firing at…

Mode Shift’s Road Map To Understanding SEMCOG

Mode Shift’s Road Map To Understanding SEMCOG (David Sands, Mode Shift, Feb. 2, 2014, orig. It was a noteworthy 2013 for the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments. The organization not only helped jumpstart the new Regional Transit Authority, but it’s been busy developing a regional non-motorized transportation plan and conducting an analysis of rapid transit…

Ferndale Seniors Support Bedside Healers with Cookie Sale Proceeds

Ferndale Seniors Support Bedside Healers with Cookie Sale Proceeds (Crystal A. Proxmire, Feb. 2, 2014) Virgina Saxon was touched when she heard about a local man’s quest to provide stuffed animals to children in the hospital.  That’s why she and fellow Ferndale Seniors had a massive cookie sale during the Downtown Ferndale Holiday Ice Festival…