Detroit Transgender Voices Shared in Newly Released “Treasure” Film

Detroit Transgender Voices Shared in Newly Released “Treasure” Film (video) (Crystal A. Proxmire, June 21, 2015) “I just hope it brings her family some peace. I hope the other transgender men and women activists inspire others to stand up and be activists too.” That is what Director Dream Hampton said about her film “Treasure: From…

State Decides: Glo Liquor License Suspension Justified

State Decides: Glo Liquor License Suspension Justified (Crystal A. Proxmire, June 20, 2015) After a lengthy investigation into allegations of violence and mismanagement at Glo Nightclub in Ferndale, the Michigan Liquor Control Commission determined Friday that they were justified in revoking their liquor license. Glo was thrust into the limelight in March when neighbors around…

“No Air, Not Fair,” Ferndale Housing Residents and Advocates Chant (video)

“No Air, Not Fair,” Ferndale Housing Residents and Advocates Chant (video) (Crystal A. Proxmire, June 19, 2015 Assistant City Manager Joe Gacioch seemed surprised when a group of senior citizens and activists came into City Hall on Tuesday with signs chanting “No air, not fair.” The group was a blend of folks from Detroit Eviction…

Sixth Narcan Save This Year for Oakland County Sheriff’s Dept.

Sixth Narcan Save This Year for Oakland County Sheriff’s Dept. (Oakland County Sheriff’s Dept, June 19, 2015) INCIDENT:  20:40 hrs. – June 16, 2015 – Highland Township – Overdose / Narcan Administered. #15-93239 SUMMARY:  Highland Township deputies were dispatched to the 1700 block of Valley Drive for the report of a female that had overdosed…

Man Selling Cartier Sunglasses on Facebook Held up at Delivery Meeting

Man Selling Cartier Sunglasses on Facebook Held up at Delivery Meeting (Oakland County Sheriff’s Dept, June 19, 2015) INCIDENT: 23:27 hrs. – June 16 – City of Pontiac – Armed Robbery #15-93328 SUMMARY: Deputies were dispatched to the 1100 block of University Dr. (Citgo Gas Station), in Auburn Hills, regarding an armed robbery that had…

Ferndale Freshman Scores Perfect 36 on ACT

Ferndale Freshman Scores Perfect 36 on ACT (Crystal A. Proxmire, June 17, 2015) The number of students who can claim a perfect 36 on the ACT is less than one tenth of one percent. Often taken by high school juniors and seniors, the ACT helps colleges and scholarship  judges determine the college readiness of applicants.…

Disturbing Findings in Ferndale Housing Commission’s HUD Report (reposted)

Disturbing Findings in Ferndale Housing Commission’s HUD Report (Crystal A. Proxmire, orig. June 11, 2015, republished June 16, 2015) The mess left by the former Ferndale Housing Director and the Ferndale Housing Commission has become even more clear as a June 10 report by HUD shows several major problems, and imposes a list of corrective…

Cynthia Krencicki Named Ferndale Teacher of The Year

Cynthia Krencicki Named Ferndale Teacher of The Year (Suburban Collection Press Release, June 16, 2015) Cynthia Krencicki has been selected as Teacher of the Year for Ferndale Public Schools. Mrs. Krencicki, a 2nd Grade teacher at Roosevelt Primary School, was recognized for her excellence at a year-end awards ceremony today held at Ferndale High School.…

Sheriff’s Relations Team to Connect with Pontiac Community

Sheriff’s Relations Team to Connect with Pontiac Community (Oakland County Sheriff’s Dept. Press Release, June 16, 2015) Last week, in front of the Pontiac City Council, Sheriff Michael Bouchard and members of the newly formed Sheriff’s Relations Team (SRT) stood together to announce the Team’s formation, its structure, and its mission. Formed in early 2015,…

Oak Park Man Sought in Questions Over Up North Assault Involving Firearm

Oak Park Man Sought in Questions Over Up North Assault Involving Firearm (Grand Traverse County Sheriff’s Dept, June 15, 2015) Sheriff’s in Grand Traverse County have put out the following statement on Facebook to help find Josh Mcclellan: On June 14th at approx. 9pm, Deputies from the Grand Traverse County Sheriff’s Office responded to a…

Sketch Released of Man Accused of Impersonating a Sheriff

Sketch Released of Man Accused of Impersonating a Sheriff (Oakland County Sheriff’s Dept, June 14, 2015) A composite sketch of the suspect is attached regarding the police impersonator in Highland Township that occurred on June 5th.  Thanks to the D/Sgt. Krebs of the Michigan State Police for the forensic drawing of the composite sketch of…