Sadorian Robertson Earns Ferndale Garden Club Scholarship
She plans to major in bio-engineering at Stanford University.
She plans to major in bio-engineering at Stanford University.
These procedures will likely continue into the near future even after the Governor’s Orders, State of Emergency, and Disaster Declaration have lifted to keep the care and custody of inmates at the forefront of our operations.
The City of Oak Park is working with Main Street Oakland County and Patronicity on a crowd funding campaign to support small businesses.
As movement towards reopening unfolds, we are working to gather information about how businesses are planning to return to work.
City of Oak Park announces the following changes to the lineup of spring and summer programs to help keep both residents and staff members safe during this time of uncertainty
LIV will be providing curbside pickup and home delivery, plus they have an iPad menu that allows customers to explore the inventory.
On the Democratic side there are three candidates in the Aug. 4, 2020 primary: Randy Maloney, Barnett Jones, and Vincent Gregory.
The decision will be made in the August 4 primary election, as all three candidates are running on the Republican ticket.
For both the Rankins, community involvement has been a core part of life, that is likely to continue.
Shramski was appointed with four council members voting in her favor.
He said they wanted to “create a resolution of sorts that would… share the value of the relationship we want to build with Hazel Park Schools.”
In addition to economic assistance measures, several operational incentives have been approved to further aid the community, such as…
Unable to buy chalk in the store, she asked for donations on Facebook, and in exchange, she promised to turn a square of sidewalk in front of their house into a canvas.
The goal of the program is to create a safer and healthier work environment and reduce the risk of injury and illness to workers in Michigan.
On Sunday, May 10th, 2020, at approximately 5:30 AM, the Berkley Department of Public Safety was dispatched to a fire alarm at O’Mara’s Restaurant
The machine was returned back to Consumers power who was renting the machine from Caterpillar.
“They’re different kids, and they do different things. And the world sees them as twins.”
In the Democratic Primary the candidates are Stephanie Fakih, Mitsauaki Murashige, Valerie Sayles Murray, and Linda Ulrey.
The race for Groveland Township Supervisor will likely be decided in the Aug. 4, 2020 Primary as there are no Democrats running for the position.
In the Republican Primary, which takes place Aug. 4, the candidates are: Mike Detmer, Alan T. Hoover, Paul Junge, and Kristina Lyke.