Birmingham Hosting Discussion of Future Community & Senior Center Feb. 10
Birmingham, MI – The Birmingham community is invited to participate in a discussion about the vision for the future Birmingham Community and Senior Center at 400 East Lincoln during an interactive workshop on Monday, February 10 at 5:30 p.m., immediately before the regularly scheduled City Commission meeting.
The City purchased the existing building at 400 East Lincoln (the current YMCA building) in June 2023. The YMCA had planned to sell the building, creating a unique opportunity for Birmingham, the surrounding communities and Next. Following extensive study and consideration of the condition of the existing building and cost to renovate, the City Commission voted to build a new 44,500-49,000 square foot facility. The new center will house Next, a 501(c)(3) organization that has provided the City with senior services for the past 45 years, as well as other potential community-based partners such as the YMCA, City parks and recreation services and/or other users.
The workshop, which may be attended in person or via Zoom, is the latest of many opportunities for public engagement regarding the future facility. Public engagement thus far has included community surveys, open house event, town hall and public meetings.
“Attendees can expect an interactive experience during a presentation by Neumann Smith architects with an architectural visual preference survey,” said Assistant City Manager Melissa Fairbairn. “The public will have an opportunity to weigh in on the look and feel of the new building and indicate preferences on exterior form, entry way and building materials using their cell phones to respond and interact with the presentation.”
Residents are encouraged to attend City Commission workshops to gain a better understanding of topics and projects considered by the commission. Workshop agendas are available each Thursday preceding the meetings at Information regarding virtual participation via Zoom is located at the bottom of agendas. Learn more about the future Birmingham Community and Senior Center at