Pleasant Ridge Seeks Applicants to Fill Vacancies on Boards and Commissions
(City of Pleasant Ridge, Jan. 31, 2025)
Pleasant Ridge, MI- The City of Pleasant Ridge has vacancies on a number of our boards and commissions. If you have ever been interested in volunteering your time to give back to the community, this is a great opportunity. Each full term is for three years and members can serve for two consecutive full terms. If you have been on a board in the past and termed out, you can reapply for the same or different board after a period of one year. Terms begin on April 1 and end on March 31 of the year noted. The City Commission will make appointments to fill the vacancies on our boards at the March 11 City Commission meeting.
Click on this link to apply online for any of the open positions listed below.
Planning/DDA – two openings for full terms ending March 31, 2028
Recreation Commission – two openings for full terms ending March 31, 2028
Historical Commission – three openings, including two openings for full terms ending March 31, 2028 and one opening for a partial term ending March 31, 2026
About our Boards and Commissions
Following is a brief description of the duties of each board.
Planning Commission/DDA. The Planning Commission prepares and keeps current the City’s master land use plan, reviews special land use requests, considers zoning amendments and recommends or denies their approval to the City Commission, and oversees the budget and operations of the Downtown Development Authority.
Recreation Commission. The Recreation Commission advises the Recreation Department in the development and implementation of the City’s recreation programming and activities and provides input to City Staff and the City Commission on facilities upgrades and maintenance.
Historical Commission. The Historical Commission keeps a record of historical events and offers programs such as the Home and Garden Tour. The Historical Commission also oversees the Historical Museum.