Village of Holly Seeks Volunteers for Historic District Commission and Planning Commission
Looking to make a difference? The Village of Holly encourages you to join one of our Boards or Commissions. Currently, we have vacancies, and we are looking for community minded people to become involved. Meetings are held in the New Village Offices. Located in Cyclone Park, 504 ½ East Maple.
- Opening on the Historic District Commission (HDC). The HDC works on ensuring the preservation of historically and culturally significant areas of the Village. Meetings are held at 6pm the second Thursday of the month.
- Opening on the Planning Commission. This commission member would help prepare and adopt physical plans for the Village, and review development proposals both private and public as set forth in the Michigan Zoning Act, MCL 125.3801 et seq. Meetings are held at 6pm the fourth Wednesday of the month.
Please visit the Village of Holly Offices (504 ½ East Maple) to fill out a Citizen Participation Form. The completed form will be given to our Village President to recommend applicants to the Village Council. The Council will then vote on approval. We are excited to have you join us!
Please call us at 248-634-9571 with any questions.