Aug 6 Ballot – Independence Township Fire and Emergency Services Operating Millage
Independence Township, MI – Independence Township Fire and Emergency Services Operating Millage Shall the Charter Township of Independence be authorized to levy up to 3.8716 mills ($3.87 per $1,000 of taxable value), which represents a .5 mill ($.50 per $1,000 of taxable value) increase of the current millage levy of 3.3716 mills ($3.37 per $1,000 of taxable value) for a total new additional levy of up to 3.8716 mills for four years, beginning in December 2025 through 2028 inclusive, for purposes of funding fire protection, emergency services operations and capital expenditures, including advanced life support?
Approval of the above proposal would replace the current fire millage expiring in December 2024 and allow the Township to levy a new additional millage of 3.8716 mills for purposes of continuing to provide operating and capital expenditures for fire protection, emergency services and advanced life support. It is estimated that this proposal would result in the authorization to collect up to $9,273,790.72 in the first year if approved and levied.
By operation of law, a portion of the millage revenue will be disbursed to the Township’s Sashabaw Road Corridor Improvement Authority and the Independence Downtown Development Authority. The amount disbursed to the Sashabaw Road Corridor Improvement Authority and the Independence Downtown Development Authority is required by law and is collected solely from properties located in the Sashabaw Road Corridor Improvement Authority District and the Independence Township Downtown Development Authority District, respectfully.
Several communities have proposals on the ballot. For the full list and more election information visit the Oakland County Clerk’s website.