Royal Oak Optimist Club Makes Difference in Many Ways
The group, which includes local residents, past Berkley and Royal Oak residents, and business people connected with the area…
The group, which includes local residents, past Berkley and Royal Oak residents, and business people connected with the area…
The Oakland County Board of Commissioners approved funding to help complete more than $29.2 million in new local road projects during its May 22 meeting.
It’s the fifth year in a row that the names took the top slot together
This section of Cooley Lake Road carries approximately 9,640 vehicles daily.
Pontiac Ballot Question Shall the 2024 City Charter proposed by the Pontiac Charter Revision Commission be adopted?
Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be imposed on taxable property within the City of Rochester Hills, County of Oakland, Michigan, be increased…
This millage will enable the continued operations of the Walled Lake City Library.
Shall the previously approved additional operating millage in Section 9.2 of the Wixom City Charter of up to 3.5 mills…
Shall the previous voted and approved millage increase in the tax limitation…
This renewal public safety millage will be subject to applicable statutory and constitutional tax limitation provisions…
Shall this voted millage be renewed at up to .3662 mill (0.3662 cents per $1000 of taxable property value) and levied for an additional 10 years…
Shall the Township of Groveland, Oakland County, Michigan, for the purpose of providing fire, rescue and related services…
The proposed millage is a renewal of a previously authorized millage.
Approval of the above proposal would replace the current fire millage expiring in December 2024 and allow the Township to levy a new additional millage of 3.8716 mills for purposes of…
Shall the Charter Township of Lyon, Oakland County, Michigan, renew the 2022 voter-approved levy of 2.3985 mills that expired in 2023…
For purposes of continuing to provide police services in the Township, shall the Charter Township of Oxford impose an increase on the lax limitation on taxable property of up to 4.25 mills…
This Proposal will allow the Charter Township of Royal Oak to renew the millage levied for general operating capital purchase funds
Shall the previously voted .75 mill ($0.75 per $1,000 of taxable value) increase in the constitutional tax limitation…
This millage is to renew the millage that will expire and to restore millage lost as a result of the Headlee amendment
Shall the Charter Township of West Bloomfield, Oakland County, Michigan, borrow a sum not to exceed Twenty-Five Million Dollars ($25,000,000), and issue its unlimited tax general obligation bonds…