With Low Voter Turnout, Two Districts Pass Bonds and One Does Not
(Kurt Metzger, May 8, 2024)
Oakland County, MI – Once again, an almost guaranteed low turnout May election was held on bond proposals in three Oakland County school districts – Hazel Park, Huron Valley and Walled Lake (Goodrich schools also had a bond proposal but the election occurred in Genesee County). In Michigan, school bond elections must be held on one of four regular election dates, or a limited number of “floater dates” under certain conditions. Elections can be held in even or odd-numbered years. The four regular dates are:
- Fourth Tuesday in February
- First Tuesday after the first Monday in May
- First Tuesday after the first Monday in August
- First Tuesday after the first Monday in November
While the August and November dates tend to have the largest turnouts, school districts tend to chose May when little, if anything, else is on the ballot. While low turnouts are anticipated, bond proposal passage is more likely because voters tend to be those who have a stake in the schools and are more aware of the election itself.
This formula worked for Huron Valley Schools, where 18.5 percent of registered voters approved the measure 52.5 vs. 47.5 percent, and Walled Lake Schools, where only 13.3 percent of registered voters approved the measure 61.1 vs. 38.9 percent.
However, Hazel Park Schools were not as fortunate, with 66.4 percent of voters saying NO. Total turnout of registered voters was only 13.0 percent.
Robust discussions about the Hazel Park Schools Bond took place on social media, though that passion did little to get most voters interested.
Historically speaking, Hazel Park is one of the three communities with the lowest voter turnout rates in Oakland County. In Nov 2021, they were last with just 11.6%. In Aug 2022 they had 20.4%, topping Royal Oak Township and Pontiac. In Nov 2022 they were also third from the bottom with 46.4%, beating the same two communities. In Nov 2023 they were second from last, with just 11%.
Visit the Data-Based Stories Archives on Oakland County Times for stories on voter turnout, population shifts, Dogs of Oakland County, and other statistics-related stories, thanks to Data Expert Kurt Metzger.