Holly Calvary Church Hosting Blood Drives Throughout 2024
(Oakland County Times, March 16, 2024)
Holly, MI -You can help save lives of patients in Michigan hospitals by donating blood or volunteering. Versiti Blood Center of Michigan hosts blood drives across the state, including those at Holly Calvary Church.
625 units of donated blood are needed DAILY in Michigan hospitals to save the lives of accident victims, cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, premature babies, patients undergoing surgery, trauma victims, and many others in need of blood transfusions.
Michigan hospitals only accept DONATED blood for their patients.
Monthly community drives hosted by the Versiti Blood Center of Michigan are held in area communities across Michigan to supply blood products to more than 85 hospitals across Michigan. One of these communities is in Holly at the Holly Calvary Church, 15010 N. Holly Rd (Holly campus).
Dates are:
March 23
April 16
May 18
June 18
July 27
Aug 20
Sept 28
Oct 15
Nov 23
Dec 17
These drives have been planned and coordinated since 2015 by a Versiti volunteer, Ellen Pease who lives in Holly Township. Ellen warmly thanks the church, area blood donors, and her volunteers for supporting this lifesaving mission.
To find a Versiti blood drive in your area, use their zip code search. https://donate.
If you live near Holly, please contact Ellen Pease at 810-265-4224 or visit her local website at https://www.hollyblooddrives.