Feb 5 – 9 – ONTV’s 14th Annual Food Drive
Orion Township, MI – Help feed those in need!
Orion ONTV’s televised food/fund drive will air for 5 full days and nights with LIVE studio elements each day from 12-2 p.m. and every evening from 7-9 p.m. The community can view the food drive on Comcast Ch. 10, AT&T U-Verse Ch. 99, ROKU Cablecast Ch., Amazon Fire TV, ONTV Facebook page and online @ OrionONTV.org.
The goal is to raise $6,000 for FISH through corporate sponsorships and community donations.
Donate Today at https://www.gofundme.com/f/2024-ontv-food-drive-for-oxfordorion-fish\
ONTV is also asking for the community’s help to fill the ONTV van with non-perishable food and personal items. The ONTV production van will be parked at the studio located at 1349 Joslyn Rd. for in-person donations.