Troy Invites Feedback on Proposed Master Plan Updates

(City of Troy, Oct. 11, 2023)

Troy, MI – In 2021, the City of Troy started the process to update the City’s Master Plan. The Master Plan is used by the City of Troy to help guide City progress, influence policy decisions, ensure a successful future, and is critical for sustainable community growth.

The document references many municipal planning needs, yet the primary functions of the Master Plan document address the following items: Land Use, Economic Development, Transportation, Special Area Use, and Infrastructure.

At the Troy City Council meeting held on August 21, The Mayor and City Council Members approved the distribution of the updated Master Plan, as per the requirements of the Michigan Planning Enabling Act, PA 33 of 2008, as amended. The Master Plan was then released for a 63-day public review period.

Interested members of the public are encouraged to review the updated Master Plan and provide their feedback to the City of Troy.

Looking to review the updated Master Plan?

Please visit https://troymi.gov/departments/planning/city_master_plan.php

or email masterplan@troymi.gov.