Man Known for Confronting Alleged Predators Fatally Shot at Pontiac Restaurant
(OCSO, Sept. 30, 203)
Pontiac, MI – Two suspects were arrested today in Friday’s fatal shooting of a Pontiac man who often used social media to pose as an underage girl to catch sexual predators. Oakland County Sheriff’s Offices detectives and U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives agents, which comprise the Pontiac Gun Violence Task Force, arrested two suspects early this afternoon in Pontiac in Friday night’s shooting death of Robert Wayne Lee.
He was fatally wounded after he was shot by another person during an argument.
“I am extremely proud of the work of our Pontiac substation team,” Sheriff Michael Bouchard said. “Within hours, they have taken two individuals into custody in connection with this homicide.”
Detectives are expected to turn the case over to prosecutors for charges on Sunday or Monday. The names were not immediately released.
The suspected shooter is 17 while the second suspect is 18. They are both believed to be from Pontiac.
Lee, 40, was in a Pontiac restaurant near the corner of North Perry and MLK Boulevard about 10:30 p.m. Friday when he confronted the two suspects who were seated at a table. The situation rapidly escalated and one of the suspects fired a pistol, leaving the victim fatally wounded.
The two suspects then ran away from the restaurant. A K-9 search for them was unsuccessful. Lee was taken to the hospital where he later died from his injuries.
Lee is active on social media, has a Facebook page with 11,000 followers, and goes by the name “Boopac Shakur.”
Lee poses as a 15-year-old girl online. His one-man crusade has led to the arrest and criminal charges being filed against several men. He has also mistakenly identified someone as a sexual predator who was not.
“While we certainly understand his desire to hold child predators accountable, many times well intentioned individuals who engaged in this don’t know the standard of evidence required for convictions and often underestimate the potential for violence confronting a suspected predator,” Bouchard said. “They feel trapped and often lash out violently. When we have arrested predators in such circumstances, they have rammed police cars and exhibited other violent behavior in attempts to escape.”
NOTE: Police and Fire Reports come directly from the agency involved and are written by the person or agency listed below the title. We generally run these “as is” or with minimal editing for punctuation, spelling, etc. Suspects should not be presumed guilty. Those needing more information about a case are encouraged to follow up with the reporting agency or court system for the most current information.