Oak Park Schools Seek Millage Replacement and Restoration on Nov 7 Ballot
Oak Park, MI – Voters in the Oak Park School District will decide on a millage replacement and a restoration proposal on the Nov. 7 ballot. Here is the text of the proposals:
School District of the City of Oak Park
Non-Homestead Operating Millage Replacement and Restoration Proposal
School District of the City of Oak Park
County of Oakland
State of Michigan
This proposal will: (1) replace and restore the authority of School District of the City of Oak Park to levy 1.5 mills previously authorized
and levied for general operating purposes on all property, except principal residences and other property exempt by law, which has
been reduced by the application of the Headlee Amendment; and (ii) increase the prior authority by 3.00 mills. This authority, if
approved and combined with the School District’s other unexpired authorization, would allow the School District to continue to levy
the statutory limit of 18.00 mills on all property, except principal residence and other property exempt by law, in the event of future
Headlee rollbacks.
Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be imposed on all property, except principal residences and other property
exempt by law in the School District of the City of Oak Park, County of Oakland, State of Michigan, be increased by 4.5 mills ($4.50 on
each $1,000 of taxable value) for sixteen (16) years, the years 2023 to 2038, inclusive, to provide funds for operating expenses? This
millage would raise an estimated $155,000 for the School District in the first year that it is levied
For a complete list of candidates and ballot issues, visit the Oakland County Clerk’s Election Page.
For Oakland County Times candidate interviews and election information visit the Oakland County Times Election Page.