Video: Howard Collens on the Importance of Wills and Estate Planning
(Crystal A. Proxmire, April 13, 2023)
Huntington Woods, MI – Most people know mow much difference a will can make in the midst of a potentially challenging time, yet there are still many who have not taken the time to have one created. Attorney Howard Collens, of Galloway and Collens PLLC in Huntington Woods works with clients to create the documents necessary to make end of life decisions clear. We spoke with Howard for this brief interview about wills, and things to consider when making one.
“I think for many people, the biggest hurdle is thinking about incapacity or death. Once that is cleared, then people usually have a pretty good experience putting their plan together,” Collens said. “It gives people peace of mind ultimately knowing they have their affairs in order and can stop worrying about it.”
Collens has helped people from age 18 to 99 create a will that is right for them. “The reality of it is none of us know when we’re going to die, so providing for the administration of an estate is a goal many people have.”
Those who want to learn more about Galloway and Collens, including how to have a will made, can visit Galloway and Collens is an Oakland County Times advertiser.