Church Militant Members Upset Ferndale Officials Won’t Consider Flying Their Flag
(Crystal A. Proxmire, April 13, 2023)
Ferndale, MI – Members Church Militant are questioning why members of Ferndale City Council will not take up the cause of having their flag flown over city hall.
The flag in question features a collage with a cross and images of Jesus and Mary on an American flag designed background.
Church Militant is a 501(c)4 corporation whose enterprise was once known as Real Catholic TV until the Archdiocese of Detroit notified them they do not approve of them using the word “Catholic” to identify or promote their activities, even going so far as to make a public statement specifically about Church Militant. “The Church encourages the Christian faithful to promote or sustain a variety of apostolic undertakings but, nevertheless, prohibits any such undertaking from claiming the name Catholic without the consent of the competent ecclesiastical authority,” said the statement which remains on the Archdiocese website since it was issued in 2011.
Church Militant does, however, continue to speak in their online programming and public demonstrations, as standing up for Catholicism. “The Church Militant is the Christian militia. The Church Militant does battle against sin, the devil and the demonic “rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places,” according to their mission statement. The group is classified as an anti-LGBT Hate Group by Southern Poverty Law Center. They are based in Ferndale, operating also as St. Michael’s Media.
The City of Ferndale has flown various flags, including the Pan African flag, the suffrage flag, and the rainbow flag in support of LGBTQ+ rights. The City ‘s policy on flag-flying requests is that in order for the council to consider approving a flag, the person or group making the request must get a member of council to sponsor putting it on the agenda. Church Militant members say they have sent messages to the officials, but with no luck. The City Clerk has informed them of the proper procedure.
Church Militant has long been known for spreading anti-LGBTQ viewpoints, as well as condoning violence. Neither sentiment seems to be in line with the community that is home to the Ferndale Pride Festival and Michigan’s largest LGBTQ+ community center, Affirmations. Additionally city leaders have been proactive about supporting groups of people who have historically faced judgment, discrimination, and violence, including efforts against racism, instituting nondiscrimination policies, and even starting off each council meeting with a moment of mindful reflection.
Speakers from Church Militant gave only first names at the podium during the call to audience portion of Monday evening’s City Council meeting. They talked about how their teachings denouncing homosexuality have made them the victims of discrimination and hate.
One speaker, named Cydney, said “”We want to raise the Sacred Heart flag because Jesus embodies true, sacrificial and committed love — accepts all who accept Him and His teachings and shows mercy to all.”
She argued that Church Militant’s views against same-sex attraction is not rooted in hate, but love.
“The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity…The teaching of the Catholic Church is most loving” as “[Catholics] want all souls to go to Heaven, which means we will oppose anything, including acting on disordered attractions, that would stand in the way of that eternal end.”
Another speaker talked about the recent Drag Queen Storytime in Royal Oak, where hundreds of people came out to support the event after learning that protestors would be there. In the end only a handful of anti-LGBTQ+ protestors came. The speaker, identified only as Jeff, said those protestors were told things like “I hope you go to hell.” He also mentioned other instances across the country where those with conservative viewpoints were met with resistance.
Councilperson Greg Pawlica, who is open about being gay and is one of the founders of the Ferndale Pride festival, spoke firmly at the end of the meeting. “If you don’t find Ferndale a welcoming community, it’s probably because you are not a welcoming religion,” he said. “Don’t ever approach me here to insult me and then ask me to support you.”
The remarks were followed by clapping from fellow council members, including Raylon Leaks-May who also spoke about a previous meeting where Church Militants spoke on the same subject.
“I remember that night so vividly. It was just blatant disrespect and belittling a population that they didn’t agree with… I didn’t see any love,” she said. “When you belittle a population, I don’t see how any council could support that. …Thank you to this council for standing up to hatred and disrespect.”
Mayor Melanie Piana also chimed in. “Not everyone agrees with our decisions and our policies, but there’s one thing I know that we all stand together on, and that is making sure Ferndale is inclusive and pushing back against hate.”