Explore: A Springtime Visit to Dow Gardens in Midland
(Crystal A. Proxmire, Jan. 8, 2023)
Midland, MI – It may feel like spring is far away, but the beauty of sunshine and flowers will come back to Michigan soon. And when it does, there is a place just a couple hours north of Oakland County that will be ready to welcome visitors and share the splendor of the season – Dow Gardens in Midland, Michigan.
Dow Gardens is a botanical garden that attracts visitors from around the world. It began as the home of Dow Chemical founder Herbert Dow and his wife Grace. The 110-acre property is open year-round to visitors who can enjoy walking trails, interactive exhibits, and a tree canopy walk that allows for an accessible tree-top view, including rope-nettings that are fun for children and adults to climb.
An apple orchard features dozens of varieties, and the The Pines of Dow Gardens in a national historic landmark. The Dow home is also open to visitors, along with a gift shop. There’s also a playground and cafe. And of course many varieties of flowers for guests to enjoy!
Oakland County Times was on hand in 2018 when the 1,400 foot canopy walk at Whiting Forest in Dow Gardens opened, dubbed as the longest canopy walk in the US. Last spring we returned to see more of the gardens themselves, and are happy to share the pictures now as readers may look forward to planning their own visit.
Dow Gardens is located at 1809 Eastman Avenue in Midland. Visit www.dowgardens.org to learn more.
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