Eleven Year Old Brings Loaded 9mm to Pierce Middle School in Waterford
(Waterford Police, Dec. 22, 2022)
Waterford, MI – The Waterford Police Department responded to Pierce Middle School Wednesday at approximately 11:00am regarding a handgun found in the backpack of a student.
A student reported to school officials that another sixth grade student had brought what was believed to be a bb gun to school.
Administrators located the student in question, searched that student’s locker, and found a loaded 9mm handgun.
School administrators immediately contacted Waterford Police. Responding Officers took the eleven year old into custody and retrieved the weapon as evidence. The juvenile was transported to the Waterford Police Department for processing and subsequently lodged at the Oakland County Children’s Village.
There was never any threat made to students or staff by the juvenile who brought the gun to school. The student who informed school officials of the gun is to be commended for their quick and decisive action, as are school officials for acting swiftly to bring this situation to a safe conclusion.
The circumstances surrounding how the juvenile acquired the weapon remain under investigation. Once the investigation is complete, all facts and information will be presented to the Oakland County Prosecutor’s Office for their review.
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