Crumbley Pleads Guilty to 24 Charges Related to Oxford School Shooting
(Crystal A. Proxmire, Oct. 24, 2022)
Oxford, MI – The teenager accused of fatally shooting four classmates, and wounding seven others inside Oxford High School plead guilty today to 24 charges against him related to the killing spree on Nov. 30, 2021. Ethan Crumbley admitted guilt as the victim’s names were read: Madisyn Baldwin, Tate Myre, Hana St. Juliana, and Justin Shilling.
The charges included one count of terrorism causing death and four counts first-degree murder. Crumbly, who is now 16, is scheduled to return before Judge Kwame Rowe on Feb. 9, at which time a sentencing hearing will be set where the victims’ families will be able to speak. Crumbley’s parents, James and Jennifer Crumbley, have been charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter for giving the teen access to the gun and ignoring signs that their son was a threat. Their trial is expected to begin in January.
Oakland County Executive Dave Coulter released a statement after the verdict. “This is just one day in a long and difficult road to justice, but it is my hope that this guilty plea will bring some relief to the victims, their families and the extended Oxford community,” said Oakland County Executive David Coulter. “I want to commend the Oakland County Sheriff and Prosecutor’s offices for the remarkable work they did on that day and since to get to this point,” Coulter said.
“I had the opportunity to talk to some of the local leaders in Oxford and working with them and Sheriff Mike Bouchard and Prosecutor Karen McDonald, we’ll continue to do everything we can to support the community in this time of healing. The resiliency center will remain open and available to provide residents with mental health and other resources for as long as they need,” he added. “But we’re not done yet. An independent investigation is underway, and we continue to support those efforts for a full accounting of the events leading up to Nov. 30.”
UPDATED: Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard released a statement, saying ““Nearly 11 months after a series of cowardly and unconscionable actions shattered the lives of so many families in Oxford and beyond, today – before an Oakland County Circuit Court judge – the slow walk towards accountability has finally begun. A defendant whose utter disregard for human life has taken ownership for the despicable acts and will be held responsible for his actions. If there is a blessing, and it is a very small one, this defendant – through his guilty plea – has spared the impacted families, surviving victims, and grief-stricken community further trauma by having to re-live the events of Nov. 30 in a court trial. It is my hope that this twisted and evil individual serves the rest of his life in prison without parole. For the grieving families that will never have devastating voids in their life filled, I hope today’s plea moves the coping process forward.”