Dogs of Holly: A Data-Based Look at Most Popular Names and Breeds
(Kurt Metzger, Sept. 28, 2022)
Holly, MI – While we started in the southern end of the county with Ferndale, we move north to the Village of Holly and Holly Township, looking at the county’s records for dog licensing.
The database contains 1,430 records for dogs living in ZIP Code 48442 and includes breeds and dog names. While there are some interesting variations (and spellings) of breed names, I have done my best to bring some consistency across the records.
Figure 1 presents the Top 10 ‘breeds’ (Mixed breed / Mutt must always be recognized) living in the Holly/Holly twp. area. It is no surprise, judging by national rankings, that, once again, the Labrador Retriever is #1, more than doubling its nearest rival the German Shepherd.
Coming in at #3 is a personal favorite, the Mixed Breed or Mutt. As I have said before, personal experience has shown me that there are mixed breeds that are ‘designed’ and usually named, such as the Goldendoodle (of which there are 22) and Labradoodle (of which there are 6), and then those that result from run of the mill meetings “in the neighborhood” – affectionately called mutts.
While owners may quibble, I have added the responses of Pit Bull (43) and American Pitbull (26) together to create the 4th most popular breed. The Golden Retriever is the only other breed to reach the 50 or more plateau. The second half of the Top 10 is comprised of 5 breeds that share their ZIP Code of residence with 40 to 48 others.
In order are Yorkshire Terrier, Chihuahua, Beagle, Australian Shepherd and Shih Tzu. A total of 119 different breeds were mentioned (1 short of Ferndale, though I can’t tell you what that might be). I must admit to not doing my breed research since writing about Ferndale’s dogs, so I am still going to have to look up – Shiba Inu, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, Plott, Mountain Cur, and Blue Heeler, while adding the Finnish Spitz, and Mountain Feist.
Every year the Social Security Administration releases a listing of the Top Names for Boys and Girls born in the previous year. I have always enjoyed pouring over these lists to see how spellings have been altered to produce “uniqueness,” and how popular books, movies and television have spurred increases in a particular name.
I have also had many opportunities to name pets over the years and met a variety of names – many being “people names” in my walks around the neighborhood. The listing of Holly dog names has not disappointed. There are Chaos, Felony and Mayhem, as well as Stormtrooper, Galaxy and Khaleesi.
Someone in Holly is calling out to Duramax, Butkus, Jazzman and Skumpkins. My overall favorite is a Mastiff named Miss Kitty. Here are the 15 names that showed up 10 or more times (Ferndale only had 8 that reached that level).
The next article will look at the Dogs of Lake Orion/Orion Township, with all other communities to follow in the coming weeks.
If you have a particular community of interest, please let me know. Join in the conversation on the Oakland County Times Facebook Page, and share your puppy’s picture. And don’t forget to get your pet their vaccinations and license, which can be done through the Oakland County Animal Shelter and Pet Adoption Center.
For more stories about population shifts, voter turnout and other election trends, and other interesting numbers, visit the Data-Based Stories Archives on Oakland County Times. Thanks to Data Expert Kurt Metzger for this work!