Friends Group Supports Orion Township Library Programming
(Orion Township Friends of the Library, orig. Orion Living)
Orion Township, MI – Did you know? Public libraries in Michigan are generally funded through three primary sources of revenue: millages, Penal fines, and State Aid.
The Orion Township Public Library receives approximately 94% of its operating budget from property taxes, and the remaining six percent from state aid, penal and library fines, donations, service fees and miscellaneous income. As a result of ongoing fundraising efforts by the Friends, the library’s budget is enhanced to support our community needs. The Friends contribute to the annual budget by donating on average $20,000 per year for programming and program supplies.
Below we share examples of how that money is utilized by library departments and how you can help support our mission:
Youth Programs
The youth services department hosts numerous activities and programs each month, most of which are sponsored by the Friends. Take and Make kits have been extremely popular lately, as are the youth programs led by staff. For many years, the fifth grade Battle of the Books competition has been popular with Lake Orion school students, including the finale party. The annual Haunted House and various Halloween activities are also offered with high attendance.
Teen Programs
The Friends provide the majority of funding for Teen programs. The 2021 Teen Summer Reading party & movie night were a lot of fun for the teen participants. Teen Tuesday and Think Link After School offer snacks and fun activities. Take and Make kits are also appreciated by our teens, and recent offerings included comic book magnets and theme food projects.
Adult Programs
The adult services department is also creating unique programming for adults as a result of Friends funding. Author visits, writing workshops, the winter workshop, and yarn wall hangings to name a few.
Family Programs
During the past quarter, 100% of programs funds were provided by the Friends. Take and Make family kits were offered as fun and focused projects with holiday flair. A magic show was also offered in January. Seasonal celebrations and workshops are also offered, watch this magazine for details. We also support summer reading programs for all ages, enjoyed annually by more than 1,000 patrons.
Special Gifts
Occasionally the library approaches the Friends for assistance with special projects or unique needs. Over the past several years, in addition to programming funds, we have provided funds to paint the updated meeting room, as well as purchase a new coffee machine for staff, electronics and furniture for the teen space, and new office chairs.
How Can I Help Raise Funds for Programs?
Make a Donation
Donations accepted by mail, on our website, or at the customer service desk. Additionally, you can designate the Friends through your employers’ annual campaign, like United Way, or through their online giving portal. Funds received, unless specifically designated, will be gifted to the library during the next grant cycle.
Designate the Friends for Amazon Smile & Kroger Rewards
Designate the Friends of the Orion Township Library as your designated charity for Amazon Smile and Kroger Rewards. It’s a great way to support the library through your everyday shopping!
Become a Friends Member
Join the Friends of the Library! Senior memberships are $5, individuals $10 and families $20. Stop by the service desk at the library or visit our website to join. Memberships are good for one year.
Shop the Book Store & Book Sale
Proceeds from the book store, open daily in the lobby, and book sales held three times per year are the Friends number one funding source. Pick up a great read at a reduced price during your next visit to the library.
Get Involved – Be a Friends Volunteer
We can only continue our important work, raising funds and advocating for the library, with the support of volunteers in our community. Have a few hours to spare? Get involved with the Friends of the Library this year! For more information about available opportunities contact the Friends via e-mail at
About the Friends
The Friends are a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization that was started in 1985 “to promote public support of the Orion Township Public Library and the library in the community, to promote reading, literacy and lifelong learning, and to maintain an association of persons interested in the library.” Friends act in cooperation with the library board and staff, serving as a liaison between the community and library. All money raised by the Friends, except for minimal administrative costs such as postage and printing, is donated directly to the library in the way of program funding, material purchases and monetary contributions.
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