Candidate Interview: Jake Hagg (write in) for Congress Dist 7
New videos are added frequently up until Election Day, so please check back often!
New videos are added frequently up until Election Day, so please check back often!
Police departments along Woodward Avenue in Oakland County have begun a rigorous noise enforcement campaign on and around the Woodward Avenue Corridor.
But such events are becoming more popular as communities of all sizes see the value in being welcoming of LGBTQ+ neighbors. “You are changing the narrative that the only way to come out in a small town is to get out.”
The North Oakland Concert Band kicked off the free summer concert series at Wildwood Amphitheater in Orion Township.
Culantro is located at 22939 Woodward Ave in Downtown Ferndale. Find the full menu at
While Art on the Grand featured seasoned professional artists from near and far, it also helped support local student artists.
Ferndale Mayor Melanie Piana gave her annual State of the City Address at the 215 West event venue, surrounded by neighbors, business owners, city staff, and community volunteers.
Vegan menu favorites, such as the BBQ smoked carrots, poutine and the summer beet salad will remain on the dinner menu, and be joined by about a dozen new Shaw- designed creations.
“Those who have experienced foster care typically don’t have the support systems in place to assist with college costs. Every dollar helps create opportunities for our youth who have experienced foster care.”
New videos are added frequently up until Election Day, so please check back often!
New videos are added frequently up until Election Day, so please check back often!
Certificates and prizes are awarded for the largest tree submitted from each county, for the overall largest tree in different age groups, and for the largest White Pine (Michigan’s state tree).
“The bridge has been a critical connection for our state for more than six decades now, but it’s remarkable to know that so many vehicles, and countless more people, have crossed in that time.”
It is important for local governments, businesses, and individuals to do what they can to voluntarily lower pollutant emissions on Ozone Action days when high levels of ozone are expected.
This philanthropic series will include numbered, limited edition artwork, available at accessible prices, as well as exclusive “1-of-1” pieces which will be auctioned off. Both illustrated and animated media types are included in the NFT series.
Miracle League is Michigan’s first adaptive baseball field, providing children and adults with behavioral and physical challenges an opportunity to play baseball as a team member in an organized league, boost self-esteem, make new friends, and become more than an individual with a disability.
Their pride and joy is featured on their website – the “Famous Dill Pickle Pizza.”
Proclamations are good for making people aware of what’s happening. They’re instruments for change and conversations.”
Following these tips can help keep your animals cool and comfortable through any heat wave. If there are any concerns about your animals’ health either now or throughout the summer, please talk to your veterinarian.
While each financial case that the Financial Empowerment Center has is unique, the center maintains the common goal to provide the appropriate resources for people to meet their goals.