Online Fundraiser to “Restore, Rebuild and Re-Imagine the Heart of Holly”
Holly, MI – We need your help to restore, rebuild and re-imagine the soul of our community. On June 21st, downtown Holly was jarred with a 6 alarm fire that devastated the core of the charming village center. Fire departments from near and far raced to the scene to fight the roaring blaze. When the smoke cleared, the devastation was heartbreaking with the iconic “Battle Alley” scarred and forever altered. The stalwart Holly Hotel that is near and dear to the memories of many sustained heavy damage. The vibrant Arcade Building and its antique mall was reduced to a pile of rubble. Andy’s Place, a local dining favorite now stands as a charred shell. Neighboring businesses took water and smoke damage, or have been disrupted. The unique features of “Battle Alley” that have greeted thousands to gather and celebrate are battered, twisted or destroyed. The flames have erased part of our heritage, but they have not extinguished our spirit and determination to rebuild and reimagine the heart of Holly for all to enjoy again.
Bring Back the Beat
The loss and damage to the businesses, the public space known as “Battle Alley, and the destruction to our historic building stock is immense. Insurance will not cover everything, and a team of architects and engineers are at work evaluating needs and repairs. It’s going to take time to rebuild the Heart of Holly, and we need your help to create a fund that will be managed by Main Street Holly, a 501c3 non profit organization, established to support the preservation and revitalization of downtown Holly. This campaign is seeking funds to do the following:
- Provide facade grants to offset the costs and repairs to the surviving historic buildings.
- Provide matching funds for grant applications for the long term to assist in the repair and restoration of the infrastructure of the impacted area.
- Provide design professionals to create concepts and schematics for a reimagined Battle Alley public space.
- Purchase new festive lighting stretching over Battle Alley
- Purchase new pedestrian furniture
- Purchase new street and sidewalk pavers
- Purchase new landscape features such as flower containers, trees, benches, and trash receptacles
- Install more public art
- Provide building grants for new construction
- Provide small business grants to those impacted by the fire
We will restore, rebuild and bring back the heart of our community better than ever, but we need your help to create a the Heart of Holly Fund to get started!
Heal Our Heart: How You Can Help
Every amount helps us rebuild, restore and reimagine the Heart of Holly. Your donations will help us begin the process.
If you prefer to give offline by cash or check please make/drop mail donations to Main Street Holly 300 East Street, Holly, MI. 48442
If you have questions or inquiries, please contact Main Street Holly, Executive Director, Nick Klempp at 248-634-9571 or