Rochester Rotary Announces Scholarship Winners
(Rochester Rotary, June 4, 2022)
Rochester, MI – Graduation season is a time to celebrate students’ accomplishments was particularly true when the Rochester Rotary Club announced their scholarship winners.
This year’s winners are:
Paul Harris scholar Evelyne Lee will attend the University of Michigan,
Paul Harris scholar Pranavi Gudi will attend the University of Michigan,
Don Pixley Memorial Scholar Rahi Shah will attend George Washington University,
Rochester Rotary Community Service scholar Alyssa Catsburg will attend Hope College,
Rochester Rotary Community Service scholar Remy Doe will attend the University of Michigan, and
Sally Case Courage scholar Christopher Rivel will attend Michigan State University.
All six students were involved in their school’s Interact Club, which is the high school version of Rotary.
“Scholarships are an investment in our community’s future,” said Rotary President David Eardley. “These students have shown outstanding service to the community and outstanding scholarship!”
Scholarship Chair Roger Roller explained the scholarships awarded. “The Paul Harris Scholarships are for four years. Paul Harris was the founder of Rotary International back in 1905. The Don Pixley scholarship is sponsored by the Pixley family in memory of the former Rotarian and funeral director. The Community Service scholarship is non-renewable and acknowledges the student’s commitment to community service. The Sally Case Courage scholarship memorializes the Rotary Club’s late but long-time pianoist.”
The Rochester Rotary Club consists of about 100 individuals living or working in Rochester, Rochester Hills, or Oakland Township. The Club meets for lunch every Tuesday at the Rochester Community House.