Licensing Shows Which Breed is Tops in Pleasant Ridge, Most Popular Dog Names
(Kurt Metzger, May 28, 2022)
Pleasant Ridge, MI – A recent article on favorite dog breeds in the nation got me thinking about localizing that list through access to the county’s dog registration and licensing database. Through a FOIA request, I was able to get a listing that includes dog breed, dog name and community/ZIP code, all for the current 2022 – 2024 registration period. Licenses are available for 1- and 3-year periods, hence the 2022-24 coverage.
Before I got into the larger analysis, I decided to take a look at the “dogs of Pleasant Ridge.” The first thing that surprised me was the low number of registered dogs. Pleasant Ridge has 1,111 households and a lot of dogs. I know I must see at least 50 or more dogs passing my house every day. However, the latest registration list has ONLY 114 entries.
Communication with Joanie Toole, Chief of the Animal Control/Animal Shelter and Pet Adoption Center confirmed the effect that COVID had on licensing. “COVID took us from selling 68,000 licenses per year to 28,000 per year. The veterinarians being closed during COVID and now playing catch up has been a nightmare when someone needs to get their pet in to see a vet.”
Before I give you a little look into the data, allow me to take a moment to encourage everyone to GET YOUR LICENSE. You have until June 2 to get a license at the regular price. After that, you will be considered delinquent and the fee will nearly triple. The annual dog census ensures compliance with the Michigan State Dog Law of 1919 that requires that all dogs have a license. Licensing is an important public safety issue as it ENSURES that the dogs residing in the community have current rabies vaccinations.
Now let us look at the 114 registered dogs in PR. The Labrador Retriever is #1 with 17 entries; Mixed breeds come in #2 at 15; Golden Retrievers and Poodles tie for 3rd with 6; and Goldendoodles, Shih Tzus and Siberian Huskies follow with 5 each.
I can assure you that the variety of names is such that it is highly unlikely that any 2 dogs with the same first name will meet (that may change with expanded licensing). The only name that came up more than twice was BO (3) and it was joined by Beau (1).
Stay tuned for data for other communities!