Birmingham Seeking Designs for Mural in Ice Sports Arena
(City of Birmingham, May 3, 2022)
Birmingham, MI – Do you want a chance to see your artwork on display in the newly renovated Birmingham Ice Sports Arena? The City invites all artists to submit a mural design to be placed on the interior wall inside the Arena’s Studio party room!
The party room space is available for private parties, classes and other events, and serves as the observation area for those viewing skating classes held in the studio ice arena. Interested contestants are encouraged to visit the Birmingham Ice Sports Arena, at 2300 East Lincoln Street, to view the area where the mural will be installed in person.
Entries must be uploaded via Engage Birmingham, the City’s public engagement platform, by May 20. After the designs are in, the community will be invited to vote for their favorite! The winning design will be taken to a local sign shop and turned into a wall graphic to be displayed on the party room wall.
Please visit for more information.