VIDEO: Oakland County Expert Chats About Restaurant Inspections
(Crystal A. Proxmire, orig. April 24, 2022)
Pontiac, MI – With the recent news of a restaurant closure in Farmington Hills, Oakland County Times sought out an expert from the Oakland County Health Division to learn more about restaurant inspections. We filmed a Zoom interview with Claudia Terrell Chief of Environmental Health Field Activities for Oakland County Health Division, i.e. the person who oversees the team of inspectors who monitor conditions at approximately 4,500 food service establishments throughout the county.
Terrell talked about some of the things she’s seen in her ten years with the department, including how often restaurants are closed, what the most common problems are, and what it’s like for her when she goes out to eat knowing all she does.
She also shared the website where people can look up information about restaurants: Those who see questionable circumstances at restaurants can contact the Health Division please call or email: 248-858-1312 (Pontiac), 248-424-7190 (Southfield),
A wealth of information is available on the Food Safety section of the Oakland County Website, including resources for restaurants, contact information, how to report illness, Food News and Views and more.