Taco Bell Could be Coming to Holly
(Crystal A. Proxmire, April 12, 2022)
Holly, MI – A deed restriction is expiring, and a developer is looking to add a Taco Bell location in Holly, next to the existing Wendy’s at 4045 Grange Hall Road.
The proposal is expected to come before the Planning Commission at the April 27th meeting. City Council Member and Holly Area Chamber of Commerce Director Richard Kinnamon announced the proposal at the April 12 Village Council meeting. Following the meeting Village President Jerry Walker confirmed that the item would be coming up for a vote.
“They’re aiming for a July opening,” Walker said. He explained that historically there could not be new fast food establishment in that location due to a non-compete clause for hamburger-based businesses that expired this year that has been in place since Wendy’s opened in the early 2000s.
“I know a lot of people will be excited to have a choice,” he said.
The Planning Commission agenda is not posted on the Village website yet, but it will be posted at http://www.hollyvillage.org.
For more local news visit the Oakland County Times Holly News Page.