Rochester Rotary Donation Brings Light to Town in Ghana
(Rochester Rotary, Dec. 27, 2021)
The Rochester (MI) Rotary Club, and the Accra-Spintex Rotary Club, completed a solar power project in the Alokpassta Chips Compound in Nkwanta South District, Ghana. One-quarter of the world’s population does not have electricity, including this community.
The lack of electricity impedes business, education, health care and leads to unsafe travel after sunset. Due to the lack of lighting, residents leaving their homes to go to the toilet after dark have even been bitten by poisonous snakes!
The small town has a hospital that serves about 150,000 – 165,000 people. Patients often travel up to 10 hours to reach the hospital. Unfortunately, the hospital lacked electricity. They weren’t able to stock anti-venin vaccinations, let alone many other medicines.
With funds raised by former Rotarian Rhonda Panczyk, the Rochester Rotary’s $15,000 donation brought electricity via solar power to the community. People can travel after sunset as the area is now lit. The hospital can stock medicines that require refrigeration. Families can read at night with the gift of light.
Under the supervision of the Accra-Spintex Rotary Club, the project was completed in October of 2021. “The first baby born in the community after the project was completed was named Kwame Solar!” said Ronald Diliddo, President of the Rochester Rotary Charities, which is the philanthropic arm of the Club.
“This is just one example of how Rotarians serve the people of the world,” said Rochester Rotary President David Eardley. “The Club also supports a rural medical clinic in Guatemala, as well as many local charities such as Neighborhood House and Dutton Farm.”
The Rochester Rotary Club consists of about 100 individuals living or working in Rochester, Rochester Hills, or Oakland Township. The Club meets for lunch every Tuesday at the Rochester Community House.
The Club’s website ( provides more details on club activities.