Ferndale Residents Can Request Luminaries for New Year “Light and Hope”
(Ferndale Beautification, Dec. 20, 2021)
Ferndale, MI-  Returning for New Years 2022. We prepare to usher out the year 2021 and all of its “challenges” and negativity and THROW OUR ARMS OPEN to 2022, The Ferndale Beautification Commission is organizing with the support of Ferndale Parks & Recreation and DPW the return of a city wide “Light and Hope, 2022”.
Through the efforts of the commission with the assistance of the Ferndale DPW and Ferndale Parks & Recreation, Ferndale Beautification has over 200 luminary kits (8) luminaries per kit) to be offered free of charge to the first people that apply and pick up the luminaries.

We ask you to decorate their luminaries, write wishes, hopes or prayers for the New Year on them. These luminaries are to then be placed outside on the sidewalks on the evening of Dec. 31, 2021, and the candles lit to signify our banishing of the old year and welcoming of the new.
You are encouraged to share luminaries with your neighbors or encourage your neighbors to also participate by requesting a kit.
The commission asks that the participants take photos of their luminaries, children/participants decorating the luminaries, and the lighting of the luminaries and share them on social media with the hashtag #fbclightandhope2022
Sign up:  Google Doc