New Ferndale Bench Adds Ambiance, Seating, and Safety
(Crystal A. Proxmire, June 10, 2021)
Ferndale, MI – Affirmations Executive Director Dave Garcia is happy when he looks out the large windows of the LGBTQ+ community center on Nine Mile Road and sees people enjoying the new bench that’s been added out front.
“It looks beautiful and adds a layer of protection for the center, and we are grateful for the City of Ferndale making it happen,” he said.
The bench was funded by the Ferndale Downtown Development Authority (DDA), who uses funding that would otherwise have gone to the county to make improvements to the downtown that help create an atmosphere for businesses to thrive.
“We had the bench made by the same company that worked on the Schiffer Park improvements. We wanted to add a piece that goes well with the other park, so we can get a more cohesive look through the downtown,” said DDA Director Lena Stevens.
The bench serves as both a place to sit, and as a giant flower bed where the blossoms are are brilliant as the rainbow flags donned by the center near by it. It also covers large concrete pillars rooted deeply underground to provide a safety buffer from traffic. Those using the bench are protected by the concrete at their backs.
Stevens hopes to continue adding seating to the downtown, and is looking forward to seeing the seating used by shoppers and visitors who come to town for events. While major events have been cancelled or postponed, things are ramping up in Downtown Ferndale as more people are coming out to stores and restaurant capacity has been increased. The City’s new PATIO Zones are a social district where people can drink outside in specified areas, with cups purchased at participating businesses. Learn more about the PATIO zones here.
For more information on the DDA, including upcoming events, visit
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