Berkley Public Safety Gets K-9 Division, Seeks Funding Through Donations
Berkley’s Public Safety Department would like to announce the launch of its newest division, the K-9 unit, and is inviting families and businesses to support their campaign to raise $30,000.
K-9 units are typically funded entirely by donations from the community. The purpose of this fundraiser is to aid in raising the start-up costs of the program which equals about two years’ worth of expenses.
The division will encompass; Officer Brian Anderson, who was selected as the K-9 handler; Officer Dan Schewe, who is an experienced K-9 handler and served with his K-9 partner, Xander, for a total of nine years within three different departments and communities. He is serving as a mentor to Officer Anderson in his role as a K-9 handler; and soon-to-be K-9 member, Bear.
“We are really excited about the program but with everything going on in the world right now, we didn’t want to go after taxpayer money which is why we are asking the community for help,” said Lieutenant Jordan Kobernick.
“We understand that the dog is a luxury but we think it’s an important one. We think it’s the best way to create a safer environment that fits with our compassionate and caring culture.”
What the Program Would Provide
Track missing people – we want all residents to be safe and find them if they are lost.
Track illegal substances – drug abuse is on the rise, exacerbated by the pandemic.
Locate evidence and suspects – items that are stolen or left behind as part of a crime scene, building searches.
Build bonds with the community – we especially seek to form connections with children and teens through a presence in the schools. A trained officer and a dog speaking to a room of students initiate a conversation around the perils of drug and alcohol abuse.Relationships are formed between students and the officer, which makes it far more likely for students to reach out for help.
Partnership with local communities – K-9 units have a reciprocal partnership relationship with surrounding communities.
Ways to Donate
Donations can also be made via check payable to “Berkley Public Safety Department” and entering “K-9 Fund” on the memo line. You can drop off your donation via the City Hall secure dropbox (located at 3338 Coolidge Hwy. Berkley MI 48072).
Please ensure that you have your donation in a sealed envelope and it is clearly labeled “For Berkley K-9 Program.”
For a receipt to be sent to you, please also include a self-addressed stamped envelope within the envelope with your donation, and we will mail you a receipt. If you do not include a self-addressed stamped envelope with your donation we will assume you will use your copy of the check as your receipt.
Receipts can also be emailed to you as long as you include your preferred email address with your donation.
You can also donate via our Fundly page here. To learn more about K-9 Program, visit