Royal Oak Youth Assistance Carries On Helping Families, Seeks Online Donations
Royal Oak, MI – It’s that time of year again… when we normally have The Annual Royal Oak Youth Assistance (ROYA) Bowl-A-Thon. Whether you bowled on a team, donated to a team, were a corporate sponsor, or provided a silent auction item in past years, we want to say THANK YOU!
As COVID-19 continues to spread, unfortunately our 39th Annual ROYA Bowl-A-Thon will not be able to take place. Right now, we are doing everything possible to sustain daily operations and provide services to our community. Now more than ever, our community needs us. And we need you.
Your donation will go a long way in helping us reach our goal to support the kids of our community during this stressful time. Donations can be made online by going to RO Youth Assistance PayPal. If you prefer, you may mail checks, payable to ROYA, to 1601 N. Campbell Rd., Royal Oak, MI 48067. ROYA is a 501(c) tax-exempt organization. All donations are tax deductible.
Funds raised from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020 went to assist 185+ kids with $36,335 dollars in grants to pay rent, utilities, put food on the table or gas in the family car. Our caseworker was busy providing on-line counseling and diversion cases to families via Zoom.
We delivered therapeutic supplies to the families which allow the youth to remain actively engaged. Our 8 mentors are active with their mentees, doing homework, or just hanging out in virtual space and working with Team Turkey we provided fully cooked dinners to families in need.
Already, since July 1, in addition to assisting 255 kids with $51,069 in grant dollars to pay rent, utilities, food and gas, we handed out Halloween goodie bags to 137 kids for a little bit of Halloween fun. Working with Team Turkey ROYA provided fully cooked meals to the doorsteps of 29 families, and has programming during the month of December to provide food and holiday gifts to over 100 Royal Oak families
ROYA hopes to count on your help this year supporting our community! If you have any questions, feel free to contact ROYA at: