Oak Park Council Picks Shaun Whitehead to Fill Vacancy
(Crystal A. Proxmire, Dec. 21, 2020)
Oak Park, MI – “Community service is the lifeblood of all cities,” said Oak Park resident Shaun Whitehead in his application to fill the seat on City Council left vacant after Regina Weiss resigned to become State Representative. Whitehead was chosen from five finalists, and will be sworn in on Jan 4 with a term ending in Nov. 2021.
Whitehead is a private practice attorney who grew up in Oak Park. He attended Shrine High School and went on to Michigan State University before earning his law degree from Case Western Reserve University. He also lived in Ohio and practiced law there.
Among the many items on his resume are volunteering with Meals on Wheels for over a decade, donating laptops to the Oak Park Library, managing a candy drive for Boo Bash, delivering meals to election workers as well has to homeless people during the holidays, and running legislative boot camps for young people interested in government.
Oak Park Mayor Marian McClellan told Oakland County Times that she “is so impressed with Shaun and all the volunteering he’s done.”
“He grew up here in Oak Park,” she added. “He’s a product of our community, and he’s already done so much to give back.
“We had some really amazing applicants, and we’re lucky such active, engaged people want to be here in Oak Park.”
Learn more about the City of Oak Park online at https://www.oakparkmi.gov/